WWE Hall of Famer Sting attended the Wales Comic Con in Wrexham this past Saturday and took part in a Q&A session.
Here are some more highlights:
Facing an inebriated Jeff Hardy at TNA Victory Road in 2011:
“Jeff was in a bad way, he was deteriorating as the day went on, by the time our match rolled around it became clear that he couldn’t compete so I had to take him down quickly. He has since turned it all around, I love Jeff, I love his work, I hold nothing against him and wish him all the best.”
You have been in the business for 3 decades now but what was your favorite year?
“The transition from surfer Sting into the darker / Crow-like Sting in 1997. That was a good year. ”
What was your favorite match in TNA?
“The Empty Arena match with [Kurt] Angle. That was bizarre but also a lot of fun.”
Which of your championship wins was your favorite?
“The first one – against [Ric] Flair in 1990.”
Who hit you the hardest in the ring?
“Leon White [Vader] . In the beginning he was really rough, he was fresh out of Japan. Give me credit, I was the one who tamed him.”