
The Miz Shares Story Of Cutting A Promo In Vince McMahon’s Face During Promo Class


One of the first guests on Freddie Prinze Jr’s Wrestling with Freddy podcast was WWE superstar The Miz, who spoke about a number of different topics, which included the A-lister sharing a story of a time he cut a promo in Vince McMahon’s face during promo class. Highlights from the interview are below.

Remembers the early days of WWE’s promo class and how he once cut one on Vince McMahon:

Promo class started with like me and six other people and Vince as the teacher. You’re petrified like ‘oh my God’ because Vince is your teacher. Vince was like, ‘everyone get a promo for next week. You’ll cut it in front of the class and tell about your character.’ I like to go off the cuff. When I feel challenged, I don’t want to write it all down, I want to have bullet points in my head. A lot of people had their script and were memorizing. Vince saved me for last. Five people went before me and then I was called. I had this tea and tiny straw. I took a sip and was like, ‘Now you have all talked, it’s time for me to talk.’ Literally, I ripped everyone apart and then I went and got in Vince’s face and started cutting a promo on him.

How his work in class eventually got him a chance to cut a similar promo on television:

After that class, Vince came up to me and was like, ‘I knew you could finish it off strong and good. You were so into it.’ The next week, I cut a promo, almost the same promo outside the locker room — our head writer for Raw was in the promo class and was jotting stuff down as ammo for the next week and what we had for our characters to maybe drive something for the show — Brian was like, ‘You’re going to cut the same promo on TV next week. It was the one where I’m standing outside the locker room and I cut a promo heading into the arena. Some people said it was best promo I’ve ever cut.

(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)

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