The Texas Rattlesnake can be unpredictable. Or, Stone Cold can just be doing the obvious. The Inquisitr reported on Sunday that Stone Cold Steve Austin would be backstage in Los Angeles for WWE “Hell in a Cell.” The rumor wire obviously had some thoughts that turned into theories about Austin’s presence backstage.
It is now being reported that the real reason Stone Cold was backstage at “Hell in a Cell” was he wanted to do face-to-face interviews with Ryback and Arn Anderson for the “Stone Cold Podcast.”
Austin revealed this information when he mentioned it on a recent episode of his podcast that featured the interview he recorded backstage with Ryback. Stone Cold called WWE and asked specifically if he could attend “Hell in a Cell” and talk to Anderson and Ryback. Of course, WWE said yes.
Austin also revealed that when he showed up, Ryback wasn’t even aware that he was supposed to be talking with Stone Cold for his podcast. Austin and Ryback did an interview on Sunday, and it can be heard here.