17 years ago today, The Rock defeated Kurt Angle and the Undertaker in the main event of Vengeance 2002 to become a 7-time WWE champion. Rock would take to Instagram to comment on the historical significance of the match, stating that at the time there was only one top prize in the company before thanking the Undertaker and Angle for putting on such an electric “dance.”
Cool piece of history – on this day back in 2002. An epic @wwe match. It was just my turn to carry the “brass ring” on this night. Our roster was so deep back then with big box office drawing$ talent we all took turns at being #1. Plus we only had one WWE Title so that created a relentless hunger with all of us. It was a very cool, unique & special time in pro wrestling. Thanks to the best play by play team of all time – Jim Ross & Jerry “The King” Lawler. Thanks to @RealKurtAngle & the legendary Undertaker for the dance. Most of all – thank you to the audience – the ones in the seats – for the electricity and energy – and for continuing to rock with me down this wild and unpredictable road of life. Cheers.
See the Great One’s post below, which includes highlights of the matchup itself.