Impact Wrestling
Date: May 1, 2015
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Josh Matthews, Al Snow
This is another special episode with Hardcore Justice, which was a One Night Only special in early April. Hopefully this is a bit of a better card as that show was just a step above a nightmare. Kurt Angle is scheduled to defend the World Title against Eric Young, but that was the case last week as well.
Following are the Results
1. Davey Richards/Hardys vs. Revolution
Match Length:- 9:42 Minutes
Winning move:- Swanton Bomb to Abyss
Winner:- Davey Richards
2. X-Division Title: Kenny King vs. Mandrews vs. Tigre Uno vs. Rockstar Spud
Match Length:- 7:54 Minutes
Winning move:- King Pulled down the title
Winner:- Kenny King
3. Knockouts Title: Brooke vs. Taryn Terrell
Match Length:- 7:18 Minutes
Winning move:- Cutter
Winner:- Taryn Terell
4. Low Ki vs. Drew Galloway
Match Length:- 7:25 Minutes
Winning move:- Future Shock onto a chair
Winner:- Drew Galloway
5. Eric Young vs. Kurt Angle
Match Length:- 15:21 Minutes
Winning move:- Young strapped Angle to the Chair
Winner:- Eric Young