Recently Samoa Joe spoke with Sky Sports, Samoa joe has been out of action since last August after suffering a knee injury during a match with John Cena at a WWE Live Event.
Samoa reported that he’ll return to action in October. Here are the some of the highlights from the Interview:
Returning in a few weeks and how his recovery is going:
“The recovery’s going really well but I’ve only been able to perform at about 80 per cent capacity since joining NXT. Back then I had no chance to take time off because of the WWE opportunity, before I was just treating the knee problem with ice and elevation at home.
“Now it’s the best I’ve ever felt, it really is. I also needed nasal surgery as I’ve broken my nose about eight times in my career so I was only breathing at around 60 per cent. You have no idea how invigorating it is now.”
Roman Reigns being one of his targets:
“Roman Reigns is very good, he’s at the peak of his career. The fans have a bone to pick with him but that doesn’t concern me. He’s WWE’s guy, he’s beaten Cena but he’s never beaten me. Next time I’ll beat his ass.”