American Football

What is the most infamous play in Rams history?


NFL: NFC Championship Game-Los Angeles Rams at New Orleans Saints
Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports

Which play for or against the Rams will continue to live on in infamy?

The Los Angeles Rams are a long-storied franchise who have been a part of so many incredible moments and games, but which play or moment is the Rams most infamous? We can talk about the St. Louis era; we can talk about the previous LA era and current one (we can talk about the Cleveland Rams!). Which moment for the Rams do you think continues to live on in infamy?

The moment that comes to my mind is the non-pass interference call when LA beat went on to beat the New Orleans Saints in the 2018-2019 NFC Championship game. Funnily enough the Rams were victorious so perhaps it should be considered a famous play, but the outcry by New Orleans fans and football fans might as well have been heard around the world. Many would not consider that play a positive one.

Nickell Robey-Coleman is the player who committed the non-penalty, and even he himself came out and later said it should’ve been called pass interference.

Of course, LA went on to the lose the Super Bowl to the New England Patriots. Depending on your perspective that SB loss only makes the no-call all the more memorable.

I did a quick search and found some less than fond memories for the Rams and their fans. According to this list by Yahoo below (as of January 2018) here are the top five “worst moments” for the franchise:

5. LA losing to the “Steel Curtain” in the Super Bowl.

4. Jim Everett once had a “phantom sack.”

3. The Rams drafted Lawrence Phillips and traded Jerome Bettis.

2. The fact that the Rams organization has had a number of relocations.

1. LA losing to the New England Patriots in the 2001-2002 Super Bowl.

You can pick from any of those or tell us what comes to your mind for most infamous play in Rams history! What is missing and or what is your answer?

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