American Football

Will quarterback Russell Wilson have a bounce back year this upcoming season?


Denver Broncos v San Francisco 49ers
Photo by Loren Elliott/Getty Images

I asked the Mile High Report staff if they thought quarterback Russell Wilson will have a bounce back year this upcoming year.

Last year, the Denver Broncos made a historic trade for quarterback Russell Wilson. They gave up multiple first-round picks, three players, and multiple second-round picks to acquire the Super Bowl-winning quarterback. He was supposed to be the answer for the Broncos who were labeled a team that was just a “quarterback away” from being an elite team. Unfortunately, things did not go well for Wilson or the Broncos. Wilson ended up having a season where he hit career lows in every important statistic, he dealt with multiple injuries, and the Broncos won just five games.

Now, with head coach Sean Payton running the Broncos offense, Wilson and the Broncos are hoping to get things back on track after last season’s disappointments. So, I asked the Mile High Report staff if they believed Wilson could have a bounce-back season and what stat line would he need to post for them to believe he bounced back.

Here are their answers and let us know if you agree or disagree with their thoughts and opinions.

Tim Lynch

As Nathaniel Hackett would say, we’re gonna see tuggie tuggaliciousness out of Russell Wilson this year.


I am cautiously optimistic. Sean Payton is going to get him heading back in the right direction and we have seen signs of that so far this offseason. I don’t know if he’ll return fully to his previous form, but I think he can be a top 10 quarterback in the league again.

As for the stat line, I’d say 3,500 yard and 25-30 touchdowns? They should be run heavy so he’s no going crazy but hopefully still productive.

Nick Burch

No, but it will be far better (just not the elite people wanted). For true bounce back, 4K yards, 30+ TDs,

Rachel Strand

Considering how bad he played last season, the bar is pretty low to leap over. So yes, I think we will see improvement from Wilson in 2023. Big question is HOW improved he will be…

Adam Malnati

Sean Payton’s track record breeds confidence. That said, Wilson dropped so far off in his first year in Denver, a return to the mean seems more likely than the continued swan dive towards retirement. He should be better in 2023. North of 3500 yards would be about right, and around 20 TDs. And Tim has to be admonished for using Nathaniel Hackett terminology, as we all just want to wipe the memory of that turd stain from our minds.

Ian St. Clair

As everyone has said, my confidence is because of Payton. Plus, the running game will allow Wilson to have the year that he, Payton and the Broncos expect. I’d say 25+ TDs, and less than 8 interceptions, with over 4,000 yards? To me, the stat line that will dictate Wilson’s success is in the red zone.

Mike DeCicco

I think he’ll improve but is hard to say what that looks like — he’s not gonna be among the league leaders and getting 5,000 yards and 40 touchdowns. They’re gonna be run first and his numbers will reflect that.

Christopher Hart

I’m not sure I’m confident is the right word. Optimistic might be better. With Sean Payton in the fold, I think Wilson has a good chance at improving for the Broncos’ 2023 campaign. I’d be looking at nearly 4,000 yards, above 63.5-percent completion percentage, and around 30 touchdowns to earn him another year in Denver. That’s what I expect.


As long as this team focuses on the offense and not on Wilson, everything will be fine. Wilson does his best when he’s coached well and the offense uses the run to set up the pass. The enormous upgrade in coaching will translate to Wilson being a top 7 QB in the AFC.

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