Ariya Daivari (with Drew Gulak) vs. Cedric Alexander
Alexander drops Daivari in the corner, gets on the apron, huge kick to the face! Springboard clothesline, pin, two. Alexander looking for the lumbar check, gets stopped twice. Big elbow by Alexander, handspring spinning kick, gets caught in midair and spinebuster by Daivari. He goes to head towards the top and Gulak starts yelling at him to get down! “I got this!” yells Daivari as he leaps and hits a big splash, pin, two. Daivari is holding his hurt ribs now though. Alexander recovers and is able to finally hit the lumbar check for the win.
Winner: Cedric Alexander via Pinfall
– Post-match, Alexander and Gulak stare at each other, Alexander then celebrates a bit.
Jack Gallagher (The Brian Kendrick) vs. Kalisto
Leg submission in the middle of the ring as Kalisto able to finally break out of it, kick to Gallagher’s head and sends him to the floor. Kalisto can barely stand as he launches Gallagher into the second rope, another kick to the face. Kalisto with a hurricanrana that sends Gallagher’s mug right to the mat. Slowly gets over for the pin, only two. Gallagher with a thumb to the eye and then a headbutt. Kalisto able to wrap Gallagher up with a surprise pin and gets the victory.
Winner: Kalisto via Pinfall
– Post-match, Kendrick with a chop block to send Kalisto right back to the mat.
Tony Nese vs. Enzo Amore (with Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari)
Enzo on the mic who promotes the upcoming 205 Live shows that will take place in 2018. He says the Zo Train is an unbreakable unit and anyone who thinks differently is soft. Crowd finally waking up after about forty-six minutes in. Nese doesn’t seems so excited to have this match as Enzo loosens up. Enzo yells at Nese and says “You want to have a technical match?” and asks him to watch how fast his feet are and does a little dancing. Nese doesn’t want to fight, and Enzo yells at him for talking behind his back. Crowd yells “beat him up!” as Enzo finally slaps Nese, which seems to flip a switch with Nese. Enzo continues yelling as Nese looks like he’s about to punch a hole through Enzo. Daivari suddenly jumps in and hits Nese from behind.
Winner: Tony Nese via DQ
– Post-match, both Enzo and Daivari start stomping away as Gulak looks on. Enzo yells at Nese to remember who the leader is as they continue to beat him up. Gulak watches on from ringside. Enzo says he’s the conductor of the Zo Train and Nese should know his place. Enzo goes to hit his finisher (crowd boos) and he looks over at Gulak. Enzo then stops and tells Gulak to prove his worth and get into the ring. Gulak doesn’t think Gulak deserves this, but he finally gets in the ring. Enzo taunts Gulak, “do something!” Gulak finally gets nose-to-nose with Enzo and ends up kicking Nese right in the face. He instantly isn’t happy with what he did. Enzo wants more as Gulak beats up Nese. Crowd getting restless with a “this is boring!” chant, and yet, they are reacting more to this segment than any other one in the show. Enzo finally hits his finisher to close out things out, Gulak continues to pout.