Cedric Alexander vs. TJP (Quarterfinal Tournament Match)
Bit of a shaky start between these two, TJP gets caught up in the air, looking maybe for a hurricanrana, but gets powerbombed by Alexander. Some back and forth technical wrestling follows with TJP trying to focus on Alexander’s legs. Alexander with a nice flipping of TJP, dropkick, TJP to the outside, Alexander goes to fly, but TJP runs in and locks in an armbar for a moment. Alexander almost grabbed the rope, but TJP pulls it back. Alexander able to break the hold with a foot on the bottom rope.
“I got you now!” Alexander yells as he hits a springboard flatliner, pin, two. Alexander tries for a lumbar check, gets reversed into a gutbuster, pin, two. TJP tries for the detention kick, nope. Tries for a springboard kick in the corner, gets booted to the floor. Alexander with a big front flip over the top rope, nails TJP, but selling a knee injury. Springboards in, lands in the ring and the knee slows him down.
TJP able to lock in the kneebar, Alexander gets out of it, TJP tries to roll up and hold the tights, still a two count. Springboard forearm by TJP, detention kick, no, and TJP locks in the kneebar yet again, Alexander keeps rolling to find a rope and finally gets to one. TJP with a big kick, continues to work the knee, Alexander hits the lumbar check out of nowhere and gets the pinfall victory.
Winner: Cedric Alexander via Pinfall (Advances to the Semis)
– Drake Maverick spoke with WWE.com to talk about 205 Live and the show’s future. We see clips of Maverick looking to motivate a number of WWE Superstars. Maverick says the last couple weeks is exactly what he wants the show to be, the best in the world competing against each other.
Kalisto vs. Roderick Strong (Quarterfinal Tournament Match)
“Roddy!” chant before the action even gets going. As Strong and Kalisto get going we see Alexander backstage watching the match to see who he’ll face next. Kalisto tries to flip into the ring and Strong is able drop him right into a backbreaker. Kalisto with a hurricanrana that sends Strong to the outside, Kalisto with a suicide dive that flattens Strong. Kalisto walks the barricade, tries for a hurricanrana, gets caught for a moment, but Kalisto is able to send Strong into the barricade.
Salida del sol attempt, Strong drops him right over the ropes, big forearm, olympic slam, pin, two-count. Strong tries to finish things, Kalisto counters, kick to the head. Kalisto flips over Strong and tries for a pin, two. Both men up on the second rope, Kalisto able to counter Strong, kick to the jaw. Strong tried for a driver off the top rope, Kalisto able to flip over and fall on Strong who lands pretty hard on his shoulder. Kalisto with a couple kicks. Strong jumping knee, backbreaker, end of heartache, pin, 1-2-3.
Winner: Roderick Strong via Pinfall (Advances to the Semis)
– Post-match, Strong eyes the Cruiserweight Title, points at it, and the WrestleMania sign.