– Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness welcome us in as they talk about Neville and Enzo having a face-to-face later tonight.
Cedric Alexander vs. The Brian Kendrick
Alexander with a mini-comeback, gets blasted out to the apron. Jumping kick stuns Kendrick, springboard clothesline, pin, two. Kendrick goes for sliced bread #2, countered. Kendrick attempts to roll up Alexander, but their momentum carried Alexander to get the pin instead.
Winner: Cedric Alexander via Pinfall
– Post-match, Kendrick goes out to jaw with Alexander and Gallagher heads down the ramp with the sneak attack. Kendrick puts Alexander in an abdominal stretch as Gallagher kicks and headbutts Alexander out of this world.
Akira Tozawa vs. Noam Dar
Gulak calls Titus Worldwide garbage as Tozawa goes to work on Dar in the early stages of the Match. Dar finally gets some offense in with a kick to Tozawa’s knee. Tozawa counters a back suplex, elbow sends Dar out of the ring. Suicide dive by Tozawa, tosses Dar back in for the quick pin, only gets two. Dar able to recover with a diving European uppercut as he continues to focus on Tozawa’s legs. Tozawa able to drop Dar, climbs to the top, and hits a senton splash. Gets the pin for the win.
Winner: Akira Tozawa via Pinfall