Tonight’s WWE Clash Of Champions will take a place at TD GARDEN BOSTON, MA on 17th December 2017.
Here are the results of WWE Clash Of Champions 2017:
Mojo Rawley vs. Zack Ryder
Mojo keeps control and rocks Ryder into the corner now. Mojo with a splash and a 2 count. Mojo keeps Ryder down with a headlock now. Ryder causes Mojo to run into knees in the corner but Mojo knocks him off the top. Ryder lands hard on the floor. Mojo follows and runs around the ring, knocking Ryder into the barrier. Mojo talks trash to Ryder while he’s down.
Mojo has Ryder down in the ring. They get up and keep it going. Ryder looks to make a comeback but Mojo shuts him down. Ryder finally gets some offense in and hits a forearm in the corner. Ryder beats Mojo down in the corner and nails the Broski Boot. Ryder with another Broski Boot on the ropes. Mojo kicks out at 2. Mojo easily turns it around and nails a huge running right hand to the face to drop Ryder for the pin.
Winner: Mojo Rawley
– After the match, Mojo stands tall as his new music hits. Mojo gets down in Ryder’s face and talks some trash.
Triple Threat for the WWE United States Title: Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin
Corbin takes Roode to the top and climbs for a superplex. Roode fights back. Roode knocks Corbin to the mat. Ziggler runs up and nails Roode. Ziggler fights Roode and goes for a superplex but Corbin comes over and powerbombs them both to the mat. Corbin is slow to cover Ziggler, who kicks out at 2. Corbin with a 2 count to Roode next. More back and forth now. Ziggler sends Corbin hard into the ring post. Corbin falls out to the floor. Ziggler cranks up for Roode. Roode side steps and nails a spinebuster on Ziggler. Roode calls for the Glorious DDT as the crowd gets behind him. Ziggler blocks it and nails a big DDT. Roode kicks out at 2.
Roode ends up sending Corbin back over the top to the floor. Roode catches a Ziggler superkick. Roode catapults Ziggler into the corner. Roode hits the Glorious DDT on Ziggler. Corbin runs in but Roode sends him back to the floor. Roode covers Ziggler but Corbin pulls Roode out of the ring ansd breaks the pin. Corbin nails Roode with the chokeslam – backbreaker combo on the floor. Corbin rolls Roode back into the ring as fans chant “this is awesome” now. Corbin with End of Days on Roode but Ziggler turns that into a Zig Zag. Ziggler covers for the title and the win.
Winner and New WWE United States Champion: Dolph Ziggler
– After the match, Ziggler stands tall with the title as his music hits.
Fatal 4 Way for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles: Rusev & Aiden English vs. The New Day vs.Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable vs. The Usos
The Usos take Kofi, Rusev and English out. Gable and Benjamin run in but The Usos take them down too. They catch superkicks and send The Usos to the mat. Gable with a Cloverleaf on Jey as Shelton stands guard. Kofi springboards in but Shelton powerbombs in from mid-air. English brings Shelton to the floor and plants him face first into the floor. English ends up taking Gable out in the ring for a close 2 count. Rusev tags in as fans cheer. Rusev stomps on Gable’s back and applies The Accolade as fans pop. Big E comes in and breaks it. Big E goes for the Big Ending on Rusev. Kofi goes to the top for the double team but English knocks him off. Rusev with a 2 count on Big E. Rusev floors Big E with a big kick for a close 2 count.
Rusev stomps on Big E and applies The Accolade on him now. Big E starts to power up with Rusev on his back but Rusev powers back down and tightens the hold. Gable comes in and nails a big suplex on Rusev. English runs in and misses at Gable. Gable drops English on his head. Gable and Big E go at it now. Gable drops Big E on his head and yells out to the crowd. Jimmy runs in but Gable rolls him up. Jey comes in and hits a superkick. The Usos hit the big splash on Gable and cover for the pin to retain.
Winners: The Usos
– After the match, The Usos stand tall as we go to replays. The Usos celebrate with the titles.
Lumberjack Match for the SmackDown Women’s Title: Natalya vs. Charlotte Flair
Natalya tightens the hold as Flair tries to get the bottom rope. The Riott Squad yells at Flair to tap. Flair finally gets the rope but Tamina, Carmella and Lana pull her out of the ring for a beatdown. The others join in as another brawl breaks out at ringside. Carmella grabs her Money In the Bank briefcase and enters the ring with it but Ruby decks her. The Lumberjacks fight in the ring and back out. Natalya and Naomi brawl as Lana and Liv go at it. Flair goes to the top and hits a big moonsault to the floor, taking about a half-dozen other Superstars out. Natalya is the first one up. She sends Flair face first into the ring post. Natalya with more shots to Flair while she’s down on the floor. Natalya rolls Flair back into the ring. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring but Flair kicks her to the mat. Flair goes right into the Figure Eight for the win.
Winner: Charlotte Flair
– After the match, Flair takes her title and goes to ringside to pose with fans in the front row. We go to replays. Kayla Braxton interviews Natalya in the ring after the match, asking what went wrong. Natalya says she did nothing wrong. Tonight Flair did what she did best – use her family’s name to cut corners. Natalya starts crying as some fans boo. Natalya says she has given the WWE Universe some of the best matches that women in WWE have ever seen and she’s carried the entire division for 10 years but all of you – you, you, you and you – have treated her with nothing but disrespect. Natalya says if WWE wants to turn her back on her, the WWE Universe wants to turn its back on her, the women want to turn their backs on her… well now she is turning her back on all of us. Natalya drops the mic and leaves the ring, still crying.
Breezango vs. The Bludgeon Brothers
Harper drops Breeze, then scares Fandango off the apron. Rowan tags in next and also scares Fandango at ringside. Breeze stuns Rowan with a kick. Fandango tags in as Breezango works together on Rowan. Rowan quickly catches him and stops from running into the post while Harper floors Breeze on the floor. Harper manhandles Fandango, allowing Rowan to club Fandango from behind. The referee warns them to bring it back in the ring. Rowan brings Fandango in. Rowan goes back to ringside to double team Breeze, slamming him face first into the apron.
Harper and Rowan return to the ring to quickly put Fandango down with a double team powerbomb. They nail the double team Crucifix Bomb to the mat on Fandango and Rowan covers for the easy win.
Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers
– After the match, Rowan and Harper stand tall as we go to replays. They take the mic and say the future holds more bludgeoning, more pain, more fear. The end of the beginning, the beginning of the end. They hit each other and announce who they are before dropping the mics and standing tall as their music hits.
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Randy Orton
Orton slams Sami over the top rope and he goes down. Owens tags in and stops Orton from tagging in, knocking Nakamura on the apron. Owens with a senton to Orton for a 2 count as Shane makes the count. Owens wants Bryan to count. Owens keeps Orton down with a headlock now. Orton fights free and rocks Owens. Owens fights back. Sami tags back in and keeps the attack going. Orton tries to fight to his corner for a tag but Sami stops him. Orton with a back suplex to drop Sami.
Sami and Owens clear two announce tables and bring Nakamura on top. Nakamura is laid flat on his back. Owens jumps from one announce table to the other, putting Nakamura through the table with a Frogsplash. Fans chant “holy s–t” now.
Shane checks on Nakamura as we get replays. Sami returns to the ring but Orton catches him in a powerslam. Shane and Bryan are both back in the ring now. Orton with the second rope draping DDT on Sami. Orton drops down and readies for the RKO. Shane looks excited. Orton nails the RKO on Sami in the middle of the ring. Shane goes for the pin but Owens comes in and pushes Bryan back onto Shane. Shane and Bryan argue now.
Orton gets up staring at Bryan as Shane and Bryan are still arguing. Owens comes from behind but Orton drops him with the RKO. Sami rolls Bryan up for a close 2 count. They trade roll ups and pin attempts. Shane screws Sami and gets on Bryan’s side of the ring to stop a count as fans boo. Bryan and Shane argue in each others faces now. They get a little physical with each other. Fans pop. Orton grabs Sami from behind for the RKO but Sami rolls Orton up. Bryan counts the pin. Shane tries to stop it but Bryan makes a fast 3 count to end the match.
Winners: Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens
– After the match, Owens and Sami celebrate on the ramp as we go to replays. We come back to what looks like the crowd chanting “yep!” for Owens and Sami. Bryan looks on from the bottom of the ramp while Owens and Sami celebrate on the ramp. Shane is in the ring with Orton and Nakamura. We go to more replays of the controversy. Owens and Sami taunt Shane as he looks on from the ring.