Roman Reigns has been on a collision course with the Undertaker since the 2017 Royal Rumble match. The Big Dog eliminated The Phenom from that match and then mouthed, “this is my yard, now.” Roman Reigns spent the month of February feuding with Braun Strowman, while The Undertaker waited in the shadows.
The night after Fastlane, The Undertaker finally returned to WWE television. Braun Strowman called Roman Reigns out but he was answered by The Undertaker instead. Strowman backed down and left the ring after a very brief stand-off before Roman Reigns made his way down to the ring.
Ultimately, the Phenom ended up chokeslamming Roman Reigns, setting up a clash with the Big Dog over whose yard the ring truly was at WrestleMania 33.
During Raw, Reigns let the members of the WWE Universe know that he intended to put The Undertaker down permanently. Before the final confrontation between the Big Dog and the Deadman on Raw, Charly Caruso interviewed Reigns.
The interview seemed fairly normal, but a fan noticed a difference between the interview segment on Raw and the one posted on Instagram by the WWE.
During the broadcast, Reigns’ hair was pulled back into a “man bun.” However, the photo posted to Instagram at the same time shows Roman’s hair down and looking incredibly wet.
Roman Reigns will face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 33 on Sunday.
Some fans have a lot of time on their hands, especially when it comes to anything involving Roman Reigns. This seems to be a case of WWE pre-recording certain segments of their television programs. There’s nothing wrong with that, even though some people may be enraged that this is the case, despite the fact that Raw is touted as being, “live.”
It’s honestly not that big of a deal. WWE has no reason for everything on the show to be live, especially when they want their talent to come off as well as they possibly can.