
WWE Main Event Results 06/23/2022


24/7 Championship Match: Dana Brooke (c) vs Doudrop (w/ Nikki A.S.H.)

The bell rings and Dana Brooke is off like a ball of energy. She brings it with several jabs and kicks, then does a cartwheel and kicks her in the face. This is put to an end when Doudrop headbutts her and nails a senton splash.

Nikki attempts a “Doudrop” chant, but it doesn’t pick up and is quickly dropped. Doudrop tries to lift her up, but Brooke turns it into a sitdown bulldog. Dana Brooke climbs the turnbuckle but Nikki distracts her. This allows Doudrop to throw her off the turnbuckle and hit her crossbody finisher for the quick win.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion: Doudrop

After celebrating with her, Nikki ASH attempts to roll her up from behind but doesn’t budge her. Nikki apologizes as Doudrop shouts “how dare you!” The distraction allows Tamina to come in from behind and take out both women. Before she can do anything, Akira Tozawa comes in and steal the pin.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion: Akira Tozawa

Akira doesn’t have time to celebrate much, because R-Truth rushes into the ring and hits a suplex face smash and scores the victory.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion: R-Truth

All hell breaks out and everyone fights outside the ring. This allows Nikki ASH to jump off the turnbuckle and take everyone out. Nikki pins R-Truth and steals the title.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion: Nikki ASH

She attempts to celebrate in the ring, but Dana Brooke takes her out and wins back her title.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion: Dana Brooke

Dana Brooke retreats to the back to avoid any more disruptions.

Match: Rey and Dominik Mysterio (The Mysterios) vs. The Judgement Day (Finn Balor and Damien Priest)

Judgement Day uses their height over Rey to control the beginning of the match. Dominik gets the hot tag and clears the ring of both men.

Damien Priest is tagged in but Dominik remains in control, until Finn Balor causes a distraction that allows Damien Priest to clothesline Dominik. Dominik rolls to the outside as we cut to commercial.

Back from break, Judgement Day continues to dominate Dominic Mysterio.  Dominik tries to fight back but gets a backbreaker for his troubles. After Finn Balor lets one move slip, Dominik does a bulldog and tags in his father, Rey Mysterio. Rey clears house now. Mysterio is finally able to use his high flying to hold control of the match now.

Finn Balor and Rey fight on top of the turnbuckle until Rey turns it into a hurricanrana off the top rope.  Damien tries to get involved but Dominik knocks him out of the ring. Rey goes for a 619, but Damien catches him from outside the ring.

The outside attack makes the referee call for the bell and DQ the heels.

Winners via DQ: The Mysterios

After the match, The Judgement Day attempted to beat on Dominik, but Rey enters the ring and takes down both men. Dominik trips Damien into the 619 position. Both Mysterios hit the 619 to end the segment.

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