Elias & Bayley vs. Rusev & Lana
Rusev is over, but unfortunately can’t get his wife’s song over. We check backstage where Big Eand Carmella are following along with the show. Lana is finally chosen to start the match and we’re off. Bayley gets the best of Lana early one with takeovers and an elbow to the back. Lana heads to the corner for some motivation from her husband. It apparently works as Lana charges full steam ahead and down goes Bayley. Lana goes crazy and looks to attack again, but instead decides to CRUSH Elias’ guitar. A bit upset, Elias attacks himself in.
Slow playing this match. Rusev focuses on the injured ribs of Elias, which are taped up after the bass travesty from Braun Strowman on Monday. Elias ducks a Rusev punch but turns around right into a Rusev kick. Big Suplex from the Bulgarian Brute, but Bayley tags herself in. Lana hits a nice face buster for a two count. Lana forearm for another near fall. Bayley back up and goes to town. Spear to the corner, roll through, back elbow. Bayley has Lana perched up top, Rusev and Elias prove to be a distraction on the outside, Lana takes advantage. She goes for the pin, and gets it! Her first victory in WWE, per Michael Cole.
Winners via Pinfall: Lana & Rusev