Nikki Cross vs. Lacey Evans
Lacey gets the early shot that sends Cross outside but then the rabid pitbull kicks into gear. She traps Evans in the ring apron and hauls off on her until the official breaks it up. Nikki scales the ropes but Evans sweeps the legs to take her down. Cover for a two but Nikki comes up smiling. A slightly perturbed Evans hits a Thesz Press and goes to town. Lacey heads up top for a moonsault but comes up empty. Cross then enters crazy mode with a bevy of shots. She powers up for her swinging neck breaker, connects, and that’s it.
Winner via Pinfall: Nikki Cross
– Recap of the tag team title match from TakeOver where the Undisputed Era retained their championships over Authors of Pain.
TM61 vs. The Ealy Brothers
Nice ovation for the Aussie duo. Ealys look like a million bucks and still have a bright future. Miller starts the match and he starts with a series of chops. Moonsault and fist drop combo offense. Ealys on the outside. Miller lowers the bridge for his partner Thorne to go flying into the twin towers. The Ealys pull “twin magic” where one replaces the other. Ealy prevents Miller from making a tag, but Miller with a big clothesline able to make the hot tag to Thorne. It is indeed hotter than a wombat’s paws on an Australian summer day. One Ealy deposited to the outside, and TM61 hits Thunder Valley for the fairly decisive win.
Winners via Pinfall: TM61
– Backstage with TM61 who are mid-interview with Christy St. Cloud. Clever way to cut out something they didn’t love at the beginning while still getting in their punchline.
Tyler Bate vs. Roderick Strong (UK Championship #1 Contendership Match)
Bate fights out of Strong’s control, at least for a second. Strong applies a bow and arrow submission with Bate draped across his back. Bate somehow slips out and hits a headbutt to the midsection to create space. Bate lifts up Bop to hit Strong with Bang. Bate using this time to recover and both men stumble up about the same time. Bate with a boot to the face. Sets Strong up in the corner for upper cuts. Beautiful bridging German Suplex by bate gets a two. Bate looks for a suplex, Strong blocks, but still ends up hitting the exploder. Running shooting star press but doesn’t get all of it. Bate now in firm control and heads up top. That gives time for Strong to scale the ropes with him. Bate fights out and sends Strong to the mat. Bate gets pulled off the rope and caught for a slam by Strong. Going move for move in rapid succession now. Pinning predicament by Bate but Strong’s shoulders are up. Crowd showing their appreciation for the match as the two catch their breath. Bate going for the Tyler Driver, but the abuse to the back earlier in the match was too much. Roderick Strong goes on an absolute rampage of power moves, culminating with a face first power slam. He hits a lumbar check of sorts to finish the job.
Winner via Pinfall: Roderick Strong