Date: November 11, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves
We’re on the road to London at the moment and the big story is Samoa Joe turning on Finn Balor last week after Balor’s title defense against Apollo Crews. This likely sets up the main event at the next Takeover, though there’s a chance Crews and Baron Corbin could be added in to make it a four way. Let’s get to it.
We open with a recap of the end of last week’s show.
Opening sequence.
Tye Dillinger vs. Baron Corbin
Never mind as Apollo Crews hits the ring and destroys Corbin, sending him running off. Crews shouts at Corbin to come back but he’s long gone.
The announcers preview the rest of the show.
Bayley/Hype Bros vs. Blake and Murphy/Alexa Bliss
Ryder and Murphy get us going but it’s off to Bliss a few seconds in. Bayley is more than happy to come in and, after Alexa takes off her bracelet, the champ takes her down with a headlock. Fans: “SHE AIN’T HYPED! BAYLEY’S HYPED!” Bayley sends her into the corner for a running elbow but the threat of a Bayley to Belly sends Bliss out to the floor as we take a break.
Back with Mojo clotheslining Blake and bringing in Ryder as Graves psychoanalyzes his colleagues. Ryder gets caught in the wrong corner and stomped down, followed by a backbreaker as the fans continue to chant what sounds like “HEY WE WANT SOME BAYLEY!” Murphy’s reverse chinlock doesn’t get very far so he drives Zack back into the corner for a slingshot hilo from Blake.
Back up and Zack dives over for the tag to Mojo, in his neon green gear (Byron: “SLIMER IS ON THE LOOSE!”). Everything breaks down and Bliss gets knocked to the floor but she grabs the title and runs off. Bayley is ticked off so she Bayley to Bellys Murphy and chases Bliss off. Hyperdrive puts Murphy away at 12:11.
Result: Bayley/Hype Bros b. Blake and Murphy/Alexa Bliss – Hyperdrive to Murphy (12:11)
Ascension accepts Gable and Jordan’s challenge.
Nia Jax runs into Eva Marie and they walk off together.
Deonna vs. Nia Jax
No Eva in sight. A quick Samoan drop plants Deonna early on and we’re already in the slow squash. Jax throws her into the corner and plants her with a release spinebuster. A legdrop puts Deonna away at 1:49.
Result: Nia Jax b. Deonna – Legdrop (1:49)
Clip of Dash Wilder/Scott Dawson beating the Vaudevillains in the Dusty Classic to set up tonight’s title match.
William Regal underwent successful neck surgery. No word on how long he’s out.
Bayley is looking for Bliss and finds her Women’s Title. Nia Jax jumps her from behind and scares Bliss off for trying to get the title. Jax looks at the title and drops it next to Bayley before leaving.
Tag Team Titles: Vaudevillains vs. Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder
Vaudevillains are defending. English and Dawson get things going but it’s quickly off to Wilder with the champs taking over in the corner. Some kicks to the chest put Wilder down so it’s off to Scott who gets caught in an armbar. Wilder offers a distraction from the apron though and Dawson takes out the knee as we go to a break. Back with English’s knee in trouble as Wilder cranks away. Dawson wraps it around the post and English is in big trouble.
More shots to the leg set up a slingshot suplex for two. English’s leg is wrapped around the post again but he pulls Dawson’s face into the post, allowing for the hot tag to Gotch. Everything breaks down with Simon cleaning house, only to have English tag back in. Gotch is sent into the steps and English’s knee is crushed the same was Cass’ was a few weeks back. Wilder’s reverse Figure Four gives us new champions at 12:00.
Result: Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder b. Vaudevillains – Reverse Figure Four to English (12:00)
The new champs can’t believe it.
Bayley vs. Bliss for the title next week.
Here’s Samoa Joe for his big explanation. When the Dusty Classic was announced, Finn Balor came to him and asked Joe to be his partner. They won that tournament and Joe wanted an NXT Title match. Now to Balor’s credit, he agreed to the match but did nothing when Regal put him in the #1 contenders battle royal.
That lack of action drove Joe to do what he did last week because he doesn’t deserve to wait for a title shot. The day he walked in to NXT he was owed a shot because he’s Samoa Joe. This brings out Balor but the referees break it up. Joe says good choices and grabs the Koquina Clutch to choke Balor out. Joe holds up the title to end the show.
Quick Results
Bayley/Hype Bros b. Blake and Murphy/Alexa Bliss – Hyperdrive to Murphy
Nia Jax b. Deonna – Legdrop
Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder b. Vaudevillains – Reverse Figure Four to English