Tonight’s episode will feature a triple threat match for the NXT Women’s Championship between challengers Ruby Riot and Nikki Cross and current champ Asuka.
Will @WWEAsuka‘s undefeated streak come to a screeching halt TONIGHT on an ALL-NEW #WWENXT at 8/7c on @WWENetwork? — WWE (@WWE) June 14, 2017 |
– After our regular intro video, we are welcomed by Tom Phillips and go straight to the ring.
Drew McIntyre vs. Rob Ryzin
This may not last long, unless Drew wants it to. They lock up initially. Ryzin doesn’t back down and lands on his feet off a back body drop and delivers a double slap to the big man. Drew doesn’t take kindly to it and sends a big boot down Ryzin’s throat. Belly-to-belly from McIntyre sends him the length of the ring. Super kick out of nowhere by Ryzin gets a one count. McIntyre tired of playing games. Axe handle from the top. Ryzin shows some fire and fight with another slap, but that just ticks off the Scotsman. McIntyre more or less shoves Ryzin out of the ring. Once he tosses Ryzin back in, McIntyre tunes up the band for his running kick finisher.
Winner via Pinfall: Drew McIntyre
– We look back two weeks ago where the Iconic Duo of Royce and Kay look to redesign the PC. Ember Moon comes out and the trainer releases her for competition. Moon will return next week against Peyton Royce.
– Vignette for Aleister Black.
Authors of Pain vs. Anthony Dominguez & Wilmer Freyday
Akam looks to be fighting this match on his own as Razar talks strategy with Ellering on the outside. Not a problem. Akam throws the duo around like lawn darts. Blink and you missed it.
Winners via Pinfall: AOP
– After the match, Ellering takes the mic and says Heavy Machinery are as foolish as they are big. Ellering runs down the victims of AOP and says Heavy Machinery won’t even be a footnote in the Book of Pain. Knight and Dozovic come out to face the champs. They go toe-to-toe, or belly-to-belly as it were, but never make contact. Ellering backs his champions off and they head back up the ramp.
– Look back at Roderick Strong’s promo from last week and Bobby Roode’s emotional rebuttal. We’re shown a tweet from Roddy who calls Roode a privileged NXT Champ, but also his questionable social media grammar skills.
– Vignette for the former Daria, now dubbed Sonya Deville. She’ll be in action next week.
Raul Mendoza vs. The Velveteen Dream
Mendoza is a callback from the Cruiserweight Classic last summer while the former Patrick Clark prances his way to the ring. Quick take down by Dream as he steps on and over Mendoza for a quick pose. Mendoza gets in a quick shot and rolls Dream up for a quick one. Mendoza gets the best of a whip exchange after a quick. The velvet one turned on the aggression switch and he goes to town on Mendoza. Dream’s strikes are concise and loud. Dream takes off the headband. Mendoza with a nice swift kick stunning Dream. Cartwheel Driver of sorts from Dream sets up the top rope elbow drop for the win.
Winner via Pinfall: Velveteen Dream
– Look back at the physical battle between Oney Lorcan and Hideo Itami. After Itami refused to stop the beating of Lorcan, Kassius Ohno came out to call Itami off. Itami didn’t like interruption. Backstage to tonight with Kayla Braxton and Ohno. Kassius says he doesn’t know where his friendship with Itami stands, but knows this isn’t the true Itami. Ohno says he spoke with Mr. Regal for an opportunity to prove himself. He announces he’ll take on Aleister Black next week.
– Vignette for Ember Moon, who returns to in-ring action next week.
Asuka (C) vs. Ruby Riot vs. Nikki Cross (Triple Threat Elimination Match For NXT Women’s Championship)
Nikki Cross crawls her way into the ring with no entrance music. Riot comes out to a nice reception, and the champ gets the queen’s treatment. The intros get the spotlight treatment as we get underway.
Asuka extremely confident. Action everywhere early. Kicks, strikes, drop kicks coming from every direction. After Asuka boasts, the challengers take her out of the ring together. Quick roll-up attempt by Cross, but no dice. Riot and Cross go at it momentarily, but Riot stands tall as we go to our first break without an elimination.
We’re back and Asuka is in control. Riot able to create some space and sends the champ to the outside. Cross back in and tries to take advantage. Riot catches a kick after a pin attempt a la TakeOver: Chicago. Riot still gaining steam as she hits a double drop kick to each of her opponents on the outside. Riot put Cross back into the ring and heads up top. She comes up empty initially, but rebounds nicely with a front drop kick sending Cross to the corner. She heads up top again, but Asuka sends her to the floor. The champ comes up empty on her own top rope attempt. Cross hits a swinging neck breaker on Asuka, but Asuka rolls out before she can get to the cover. Cross catches Riot near the corner and hits the neck breaker successfully for the elimination.
Ruby Riot Eliminated
We’re back from a short break and the crowd is in dueling Nikki/Asuka chants. Tom Phillips reminds us we are still under triple threat rules with no count outs or DQ’s. Just as it’s announced, Cross uses a thumb to the eye to gain the upper hand. Doesn’t last long as Asuka’s strikes sends Cross to the outside. Diving hip attack from the champ. We’re spilling toward the ramp now as both women in more of a melee than a wrestling match. We’re near the stage and Asuka sends Cross into the side of the stage. The referee doesn’t like the ladies disobeying his directions to return to the ring and asks for the bell. He rules the match a “no contest.”
Match Result: No Contest
– Cross and Asuka are still fighting in the backstage area and head to the loading area of Full Sail Arena. After a few good shots from Cross, Asuka throws Cross carelessly into a variety of locations. We’ve made it all the way back to the arena and the announce table is now fair play. Cross and Asuka head over to the more expensive area of the stage with a ton of tech equipment. Cross goes so far as to rake the back of Asuka with her nails. They’re on top the tech table and teetering. Cross goes for broke and they fly off the table, both going through a table.
NXT Brass and officials are out calling for medics as we get another angle of the fall. They sell the crash landing like a million bucks as we go off the air.