Date: November 25, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Rich Brennan, Corey Graves
It’s another title match week with Bayley defending against Eva Marie in a match that has the potential to burn the place to the ground. The Full Sail fans just do not like Eva no matter what she does and it’s going to be quite the moment if she takes the title from the most popular act in NXT. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Michael Cole of all people is in the ring to open the show. Cole says he’s in charge while Regal is out recovering from neck surgery. First up tonight: a contract signing for Takeover: London between Finn Balor and Samoa Joe. Cole goes to introduce Joe but Balor comes out first and promises to take Joe out in London. This brings out Joe who walks into the ring, signs the contract and walks out without saying a word or even looking at Finn. The champ goes to leave but Joe attacks and chokes Finn out.
Tag Team Titles: Vaudevillains vs. Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder
Dawson and Wilder are defending and this is the Vaudevillains’ rematch. Dawson starts on Gotch’s leg to start but can’t get very far, meaning it’s off to English vs. Wilder. Aiden takes over for all of fifteen seconds before the champs go after his arm and take us to an early break. Back with Aiden in an armbar but he easily fights up and makes the hot tag to Gotch. Now it’s the Vaudevillains taking over but Dawson trips up Gotch to stop the Whirling Dervish. Everything breaks down and the Shatter Machine to English retains the titles at 8:05.
Result: Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder b. Vaudevillains – Shatter Machine to English (8:05)
Post match Enzo and Big Cass come out to beat up the champs for hurting Cass’ leg a few weeks back.
Eva has taken over Regal’s office because she needed a bigger place to get ready. Bayley is a swell girl but it’s time for a woman to become champion. She knows the fans have her back too and there are a bunch of gifts waiting for the celebration. Nia Jax comes in with a present of her own.
We recap Asuka dismantling Dana Brooke at Takeover.
Someone whose face we can’t see sings a song about needing liberators. Elias Sampson had a guitar a few months back so maybe it was him.
Dana Brooke vs. Asuka
Maybe not as Dana talks from the stage and Emma jumps Asuka from behind and puts her in the Emma Lock. No match.
Bayley understands why WWE wants Eva Marie to be the Women’s Champion but there’s one difference between them: Bayley is a wrestler.
Sami Zayn is coming back.
Apollo Crews vs. Jesse Sorensen
This would be the former TNA wrestler Jesse Sorensen. Crews starts fast with a delayed vertical as the fans count the “time”. Just to show off, Crews waves them on and holds Jesse up even longer. A big running clothesline sets up a throw into a powerbomb (called an Alley Oop into a powerbomb) to end Jesse at 2:06. Total squash.
Result: Apollo Crews b. Jesse Sorensen – Throw into a powerbomb (2:06)
Crews accepts Baron Corbin’s challenge for London.
Corbin says Crews is going to be the answer to a trivia question for doing one thing once. He’s going down in London.
Charles Robinson has been sent to referee the main event.
Women’s Title: Eva Marie vs. Bayley
Eva is challenging and Nia Jax is here with Eva to make sure things aren’t fair. Robinson is the outside referee here so something might be afoot. They trade headlocks to start and a suplex gets two on Bayley, who comes right back with the Bayley to Belly for two as Jax pulls the referee out. Robinson comes in to count two on Bayley off a rollup and Jax adds a headbutt to keep Bayley in trouble.
Eva covers several times for two but Bayley takes her down with a running clothesline. Robinson breaks up the running elbow in the corner and Sliced Red gets a very close two. Another try at Sliced Red results in a ref bump and Eva goes up. Bayley stops her again though and, after dealing with Nia, grabs a super Bayley to Belly with another referee coming in for the count at 6:38.
Result: Bayley b. Eva Marie – Super Bayley to Belly (6:38)
Nia Jax lays out Bayley post match and holds up the belt to end the show.
Quick Results
Scott Dawson’/Dash Wilder b. Vaudevillains – Shatter Machine to English
Apollo Crews b. Jesse Sorensen – Throw into a powerbomb
Bayley b. Eva Marie – Super Bayley to Belly