Date: July 29, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton
We have a clear path towards Takeover: Brooklyn now with a main event of Finn Balor defending against Kevin Owens in a rematch from their Beast in the East showdown. Other than that it seems that we’re going to get Bayley challenging for the Women’s Title, but first she wants to get through Charlotte. However, Charlotte first wants to go through Dana Brooke, who she faces tonight. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady vs. Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder
Cass keeps it simple here, just saying that you’re S-A-W-F-T if you’re not a certified G. Enzo and Scott get things going with Enzo taking it to the mat and walking over Dawson’s back so he can do some dancing. Everything is about to break down when Dawson and Wilder realize that Cass is a foot taller than everyone else in the ring. Off to Cass, who seems to be a bit more over with the fans.
Back to Enzo for two on Wilder from a high cross body, only to charge shoulder first into the post. Wilder and Dawson start alternating as we get some NXT house show ads. The villains crank on the arm and Wilder stops Enzo from diving through the legs for a hot tag. A slingshot suplex gets two on Enzo but the bad guys collide, allowing for the hot tag to Big Cass. Everything breaks down and Enzo chases Wilder around the ring, only to be caught in a 3D into a Codebreaker (Shatter Machine) to give Wilder the pin at 6:39.
Result: Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder b. Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady – Shatter Machine to Amore (6:39)
Chad Gable and Jason Jordan say they’re not your common team but they get things done when they need to. They’re not as loud as the Hype Bros or Enzo/Cass, but they find a way to win. Jason doesn’t want to say they’re ready, willing and Gable.
We recap Charlotte vs. Dana Brooke, which is over Charlotte being in the Tap Out commercial, because Dana says Charlotte has been given all of her chances because of her last name. Dana wants a match to show her abilities and gets her chance tonight.
Baron Corbin vs. Jesse Sorensen
Sorensen used to be in TNA and he gets taken out by End of Days in 22 seconds.
Result: Baron Corbin b. Jesse Sorensen – End of Days (0:22)
Tyler Breeze comes in to Regal’s office and yells about Regal not answering his Twitter, Facebook or Instagram messages. Regal: “I sent a carrier pigeon.” Breeze will fight anyone from around the world but Regal says be careful what you wish for.
Jason Jordan/Chad Gable vs. Elias Samson/Levis Valenzuela Jr.
Jordan rides Levis down to start so it’s off to Samson who wants Gable. Chad comes in and casually spins out of a wristlock before taking Samson down to the mat and cranking on the legs. Back up and Levis gets in a knee to Gable’s back to take over before a slam gets two. Chad shrugs it off and makes the hot tag to Jason, who quickly puts on the double belly to back suplex (now called the Grand Amplitude) for the pin on Levis at 4:23.
Result: Jason Jordan/Chad Gable b. Elias Samson/Levis Valenzuela Jr. – Grand Amplitude to Valenzuela (4:23)
Dana Brooke is ready to conquer Charlotte, just like she’s conquered everything else she’s ever done.
We recap Bull Dempsey’s struggles to stay in shape before seeing him trying, and mostly failing, to work out at the Performance Center. The tagline is “It’s time to get Bull-Fit”.
Charlotte vs. Dana Brooke
Charlotte shoves her down to start but has to go after Emma. The distraction doesn’t work but Dana is able to pound Charlotte down in the corner for two. It’s off to a bodyscissors on Charlotte until she lifts Dana up, only to have Brooke fall on top for two. Brooke cranks on an arm and a leg on the mat while shouting about Charlotte wanting to pose for Tap Out. A catapult sends Charlotte throat first into the bottom rope but she pops up with a neckbreaker and spear, followed by Natural Selection for the pin at 4:23.
Result: Charlotte b. Dana Brooke – Natural Selection (4:23)
Samoa Joe is targeting Rhyno because they’re both predators. Joe is going to choke Rhyno out.
Last week, Regal was upset that Kevin Owens ran him over, but Owens comes up and apologizes for going into fight or flight mode. Regal can’t wait to see him take a beating.
Eva Marie says last week was just the beginning and she’s coming for Sasha Banks and the title.
Kevin Owens vs. Martin Stone
Stone is a British wrestler. Owens nails a clothesline to start and the backsplash. Stone runs into a release German suplex, followed by the Cannonball, a swanton bomb and the Pop Up Powerbomb for the pin at 1:48.
Result: Kevin Owens b. Martin Stone – Pop Up Powerbomb (1:48)
Owens gives Stone an apron powerbomb post match.
Video on Rhyno’s time in NXT.
Tag Team Titles: Blake/Murphy vs. Vaudevillains
Blake and Murphy are defending. Fans: “DOWN WITH DUBSTEP!” Blake and Gotch fight over a top wristlock to start until Simon grabs a monkey flip into a cross armbreaker, followed by a dropkick for two. English comes in and stays right on Blake with a top wristlock of his own. Murphy comes in but both champions take Japanese armdrags as this is all Vaudevillains so far.
Back from a break with the Vaudevillains working on Murphy’s arm some more. English throws both champs to the floor but Blake is able to kick him in the side of the head to finally take over. Running forearms in the corner set up a chinlock on Aiden but he fights up and dives over for a tag to Simon. Fans: “OH MY GOTCH!” Gotch cleans house and the Whirling Dervish is loaded up, only to have Bliss grad English’s leg, allowing Blake to roll him up and grab the tights to retain at 10:18.
Result: Blake/Murphy b. Vaudevillains – Rollup to English with a handful of tights (10:18)
The Vaudevillains clean house until they’re alone with Bliss. Fans: “CHIVALRY! CHIVALRY!” They hold the ropes open for her but Bliss slaps both of them and leaves with the champs to end the show.
Quick Results
Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder b. Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady – Shatter Machine to Amore
Baron Corbin b. Jesse Sorensen – End of Days
Jason Jordan/Chad Gable b. Levis Valenzuela Jr./Elias Samson – Grand Amplitude to Valenzuela
Charlotte b. Dana Brooke – Natural Selection
Kevin Owens b. Martin Stone – Pop Up Powerbomb
Blake/Murphy b. Vaudevillains – Rollup to English with a handful of tights