Date: November 4, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves
It’s a big show this week as Finn Balor is defending his NXT Title against #1 contender Apollo Crews. NXT has spent the last few years building up Crews and giving us a person to care about but there aren’t any real personal issues between the two other than the title itself. That could make for a good match but it might not be the most interesting. Let’s get to it.
The opening video recaps Crews winning the battle royal and becoming #1 contender.
Opening sequence.
Asuka vs. Cameron
Fans: “ASUKA’S GONNA KILL YOU!” Cameron tries a slap to start but gets caught in a cross armbreaker for an early submission attempt. A running kick into the splits drops Asuka but she comes back with a hip attack and mocks Cameron’s pose. Askua grabs a Fujiwara armbar before just smashing Cameron in the face. Fans: “REST IN PEACE!” The Asuka Lock is good for the submission at 3:41.
Result: Asuka def. Cameron – Asuka Lock (3:41)
We recap Big Cass’ leg injury from last week.
Dawson and Wilder laugh at Carmella for injuring her friends. They get their title shot next week and then they’ll be the baddest guys in the room. Wilder even brings in a wheelchair as a gift for the Vaudevillains.
Chad Gable and Jason Jordan want to keep moving up the card and one day they’ll be the world’s greatest tag team. Jordan: “Whoa whoa whoa I told you about that.” Their next idea is to wrestle the greatest tag team in NXT history. Gable: “We can’t wrestle ourselves.” This winds up being a challenge to the Ascension.
Bull Dempsey vs. Angelo Dawkins
Dawkins has a Sawyer Fulton with him. The threat of a right hand makes Dawkins duck, allowing a knee lift to the head. Dawkins kicks him down and puts on a front facelock but Dempsey Bulls up. Bull punches one of the headbands off and a top rope seated senton gives Dempsey the pin at 2:53.
Result: Bull Dempsey def. Angelo Dawkins – Top rope seated senton (2:53)
Fulton walks away from Dawkins post match.
The Vaudevillains are impressed with Dash and Dawson but they’re ready to add their names to the pantheon of NXT greats. They sent the wheelchair rolling away.
Crews looks at the NXT Title.
Bayley has the Bro Mans as her partners against Alexa Bliss/Blake/Murphy for a six person tag next week.
Eva Marie vs. Marley
Marley is a blonde in half of a football jersey. Eva armdrags her down and dances to celebrate before starting on the arm. The fans debate if Eva is rachet before she stops a comeback with a boot to the face. Fans: “WHAT WAS THAT???” Marley is on her hands and knees so Eva runs in for a very low downward spiral and the pin at 2:48.
Result: Eva Marie def. Marley – Running Downward Spiral (2:48)
Dana Brooke and Emma respect Asuka but want to give her a better welcome to NXT. It’s Emma’s turn soon.
NXT Title: Apollo Crews vs. Finn Balor
Balor is defending and there’s no Demon this time. We get a spotlight and a staredown for the big match intros. Feeling out process to start with neither guy’s headlock getting them anywhere. Back from an early break with Crews holding a headlock. Finn fights up and grabs a front facelock but Crews lifts him up into a delayed vertical suplex for two. Fans: “THAT’S TOO EASY!”
Off to something like a cobra clutch from the champ but Crews tries a sunset flip. That’s fine with Finn who rolls through and takes Apollo’s face off with a basement dropkick. Crews kicks him back down and goes to the middle rope, only to take an enziguri to put him on the floor. Finn nails a big flip dive to take us to our second break. Back with Balor firing off some running chops in the corner, followed by a clothesline for two.
Crews shrugs it off again and hits a fall away slam into a Samoan drop for two more. The fans are still split as Apollo nails a jumping enziguri, only to get caught in the Sling Blade. There’s the gorilla press but the moonsault hits knees. A reverse Bloody Sunday (inverted DDT) gets two but the Coup de Grace misses. They trade kicks to the head and both guys are down until Baron Corbin runs in for the DQ at 15:09.
Result: Apollo Crews def. Finn Balor via DQ when Baron Corbin interfered (15:09)
Post match Corbin beats both guys down until Samoa Joe makes the save. Joe stars Corbin down but then takes Balor out to turn heel. Fans: “WHY JOE WHY?” A Muscle Buster lays Finn out and Joe holds up the title to end the show.
Quick Results
Asuka def. Cameron – Asuka Lock
Bull Dempsey def. Angelo Dawkins – Top rope seated senton
Eva Marie def. Marley – Running Downward Spiral
Apollo Crews def. Finn Balor via DQ when Baron Corbin interfered