June 15th, 2016
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com
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The Authors of Pain w/Paul Ellering vs Local Talent
As soon as the bell rings the AoP rush the local talent, beating them down. After destroying one of the local wrestlers they toss him out of the ring and bring the other on in the hard way. The AoP hit a big boot/spinning side slam combo. They follow that up with a Russian leg sweep with a clothesline for the win.
Winners- The Authors of Pain
Backstage, Tye Dillinger challenges Andrade “Cien” Almas to another match.
The Authors of Pain and Paul Ellering are walking backstage. When asked for a comment, The Authors of Pain just keep walking. Ellering just says in due time and leaves as well.
Carmella vs Tessa Blanchard
After locking up Blanchard grabs a side headlock. Carmella reverses it and takes Blanchard over with a hurricanrana. Blanchard tries to sweep Carmella’s legs, but Carmella jumps over her and moonwalks away. Blanchard slams Carmella and locks in a modified abdominal stretch. Blanchard tries to whip Carmella into the ropes, but Carmella puts on the breaks. Carmella punches Blanchard in the face. Carmella follows that up with a superkick. Carmella flattens Blanchard with a complete shot into the cone of silence for the submission victory.
Winner- Carmella
In an exclusive from the end of the Takeover cage match, Samoa Joe says no one is willing to sacrifice enough to take the NXT title away from him. The Samoa Joe era starts now.
Backstage, Blake and Murphy say they are going to reclaim the NXT tag titles.
TM61 vs Blake and Murphy
Thorne and Blake trade wrist locks. Blake gets frustrated and punches Thorne in the face. Thorne front flips out of it and dropkicks Blake. Blake rushes the ring and eats a dropkick as well. Thorne tags in Miller. Thorne drops Blake with a back suplex to the mat as Miller hits a topé into the ring onto Blake for a two count. Blake tags in, but ends up getting hit by a tandem moonsault/fist drop combo by TM61. Murphy surprises Miller with a short arm clothesline. Murphy and Blake take turns working over Miller. Blake and Murphy whip Miller into the corner. As Blake and Murphy charge Thorne, but Thorne grabs Murphy’s foot and spins Murphy so he kicks Blake in the gut. Blake tries to clothesline Thorne but Miller ducks and Blake accidentally clotheslines Murphy. Thorne tags in Miller and they hit Thunder Valley on Blake for the pinfall.
Winners- TM61
After the match, Blake and Murphy argue on the outside of the ring.
In an exclusive from the end of the Takeover NXT tag team title match, The Revival say they did exactly what they said they would. They defeated American Alpha to become the first two-time NXT tag team champions.
Tye Dillinger vs Andrade “Cien” Almas
Almas floors Dillinger with a springboard back elbow. Dillinger whips Almas, but Almas jumps to the apron. Almas hits a springboard splash onto Dillinger. Dillinger rolls to the outside. Almas follows, and they exchange chops. Almas hits a drop kick, which once again sends Dillinger to the outside. Almas calls for a dive to the outside. Dillinger moves, so Almas lays on the ropes and poses for the crowd.
After a short break, Almas and Dillinger trade chops once again. Almas jumps and sits on Dillinger’s shoulders. Almas spins around and hits a deep arm drag on Dillinger into an armbar. Dillinger fights out of the armbar and whips Almas into the ropes again. Dillinger tries to drop down, but Almas dropkicks him in the ribs. Dillinger grabs Almas by the hair and pulls him down to the mat. Dillinger takes Almas over in a backbreaker. Dillinger pushes Almas into the corner and stomps him over and over again. Almas hits a springboard dropkick followed by a few spinning elbows. Dillinger yet again rolls to the outside. Almas dives over the top with a corkscrew splash. Almas tosses Dillinger back into the ring. Almas lands a wheelbarrow bulldog. Dillinger crawls to the corner. Almas destroys Dillinger with his double running knee smash for the win.
Winner- Andrade “Cien” Almas
Finn Bálor makes his way to the ring. He says the first time he saw NXT on TV he knew he had to become a part of it. He has gone to war with a litany of NXT superstars. After all of that, he is standing here without the NXT title. The question on everyone’s mind is what is next for him. A loud “Bálor Club” chant breaks out. Bálor too sweets the crows. Bálor asks, the crowd what is next for him. Shinsuke Nakamura’s music hits and he walks to the ring. Nakamura and Bálor shake hands. Nakamura too sweets and Bálor does Nakamura’s hand shakes taunt. Nakamura says when he was in Japan he watched Bálor become an NXT icon. He knows Bálor is no longer the champion, but if he wants to be the champion he has to beat an icon. He has to beat, Finn Bálor. Bálor says Nakamura has answered Bálor’s question. What’s next for Finn Bálor is Shinsuke Nakamura! Nakamura and Bálor shake hands again and Nakamura walks away.