Following are the WWE NXT 7/22/2015 – Results – 22nd July 2015, Which was taped from Full Sail University.
* Finn Balor kicked off the show with a promo with Greg Hamilton. Finn talks about winning the NXT Title and defending it
* Eva Marie defeated KC Cassidy.
* Baron Corbin won a squash match in less than 10 seconds.
* Samoa Joe defeated Mike Rallis.
* Bayley defeated Emma. After the match she cut a promo and said she wants a match against Charlotte.
* The Vaudevillians defeated Angelo Dawkins and Sawyer Fulton.
* Finn Balor and Kevin Owens contract signing. Owens ends up flipping the table and knocking William Regal down. Owens fights with Balor until Balor gets the upperhand. Owens retreats.