NXT Takeover: The End – Full Sail University, Florida
Samoa Joe (c) vs Finn Balor – NXT Championship Match in a Steel Cage
A video package airs before the start of the special looking back at a lot of the former NXT stars who have made it up on to the main roster. A voiceover says ‘All good things must come to an end’ and the show now also has the tagline ‘The End: Of The Beginning’.
Tye Dillinger makes his way to the ring for the opening match of the night and The Perfect 10 gets a very good reaction. The music of Andrade “Cien” Almas hits and he makes his way down to the ring.
Tye Dillinger vs Andrade “Cien” Almas
A ‘Let’s go Tye’ chant breaks out at the start of the match. The two grapple before Dillinger rolls through a move and shouts ’10’. Cien starts to get in some offence with a dropkick forcing Dillinger to roll out the ring. He goes to dive through the ropes onto his opponent but Dillinger moves, although Cien balances on the middle ropes and poses. Cien showsoff some more and eventually gets a backbreaker from Dillinger. After more offence from Dilliger, the two are on the top rope and The Perfect 10 is pushed over. Andrade goes for a moonsault but Dillinger moves. Andrade lands on his feet and goes right into another moonsault which connects. A massive superkick out of nowhere from Dillinger nearly sees him get the win but for a late kick out. Dillinger lines up his finishing move but Andrade squirms out. Cien gets Dillinger sitting into the corner and hits double knees for the victory.
Winner: Andrade “Cien” Almas
The next match of the evening is the rematch which The Revival are entitled to after losing the Tag Team Championships to American Alpha in Dallas.
American Alpha vs The Revival – NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Chad Gable starts things off for American Alpha whilst Scott Dawson does for The Revival. They grapple for a couple of seconds before Dawson tags in Dash Wilder. Wilder takes control of his opponent and slams him off the mat. He tags in Dawson who works on Gable in the corner with kicks and slaps. Gable tries to fight back but a hit from Dawson puts him back down. Gable keeps getting in reversals now and he makes the tag to Jason Jordan who clears house with a couple of dropkicks. Nearfall. All four men are in the ring now and begin fighting and AA send The Revival to the outside. Incredible sequence when they come back into the ring as both teams reverse each others moves several times before Gable and Jordan lock in an Ankle Lock on their opponents but they manage to get to the ropes. Back to just two men in the ring now as Jordan works on Wilder before making a tag. Wilder can’t quite reach the tag, and when the referee has his back turned Wilder rakes the eyes of Gable and tags in Dawson. Uppercut from Dawson sends Gable to the outside. The Revival go to doubleteam Jordan but Gable comes from out of nowhere and crossbodies both Dash and Dawson. Nearfall from The Revival when Gable hits the top rope. They have Gable isolated in their corner now and come close again with a pinfall. The challengers continue to isolate Gable in their corner before he nearly fights out but is immediately slammed down. Dawson goes for an elbow drop but Gable moves. He nearly gets a tag to Jordan but Dawson gives him a spinebuster. Dawson lift Gable onto his shoulders and forces him down onto Wilder’s knee. Gable fights out of another submission but is denied. Wilder sits Gable on the top rope and goes for him but Gable gets him in an arm bar. He manages to tag in Dawson and they give Gable a double team move for a nearfall when the referee has his back turned. Gable finally gets a tag to Jordan when he crawls through the legs of both Dash and Dawson. Jordan is hitting everything on The Revival from suplexes to spears and nearly gets the cover. Jordan is then dropped onto the turnbuckle by Dawson. Another nearfall from Dawson on Jordan this time as Wilder dived through the ropes to spear Gable who was standing on the apron. After more offence from Dawson, Jordan finally sneaks a tag in and Jordan dropkicks Dawson into a suplex from Gable. Hectic sequence now ends with Gable just kicking out of a superkick from the non legal Wilder after Gable had Dawson in an ankle lock. The Revival go for their finisher but Gable reverses it into a belly to belly. After more fast paced action, AA go for their double team finisher Grand Amplitude but Dawson pushes Gable out of the way. Then, The Revival hit their double team finisher for the victory and become two time tag team champions.
Winners and NEW NXT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Revival
Post-match, The Revival head to the back and AA stand in the ring. Then, out of nowhere, are attacked by two massive men who brutally attack Jordan and Gable. The commentators do not name the two men. Paul Ellering, WWE Hall of Famer and former manager of the Road Warriors, comes out and stands at the top of the ramp. The two men join him and they walk to the back as AA lie in the ring.
Asuka is shown warming up backstage. Bayley approaches her and shakes her hand.
The tag team who just attacked American Alpha are going to be called the Authors of Pain, made up of Sunny Dhinsa and Gzim Selmani.
Austin Aries vs Shinsuke Nakamura
The fans are chanting along to Nakamura’s theme song as the bell rings to start the match. They are firmly behind The King of Strong Style with only a few shouts for Aries, who has bandages around his ribs. Neither men can take control early on but Nakamura nearly takes off Aries’ head with a kick. Aries hits a dropkick on Nakamuara and mocks him by asking for more. They square up to each other and Aries shoves Nakamuara before The King of Strong Style puts him in a headlock and the drops a knee on him. Aries is in the corner and Nakamura drives his foot into the face of his opponent. He does it once and then again. He tries again but Aries catches him and slams his foot off of his knee to take control and tries to work on the legs of Nakamura. Aries goes up high and hits an elbow drop to the back of Nakamura’s neck. Aries is in full control and goes over the ropes to stand on the apron. He uses the ropes to springboard onto the lying body of Nakamura for a nearfall. Aries has Nakamura in the middle of the ring and locks in a host of submission manouveres trying to work down different parts of his opponents body. Nakamura’s theme is chanted again by the NXT crowd at Full Sail and it is enough to help him take control. He hits Aries with a kick to the head and then three kicks to the chest with each one sending him to the mat. Aries is lying across the top rope and Nakamura drives his knees into the bandaged ribs. Aries goes for a roll up but Nakamura kicks out. A massive right hand from Aries sends The King of Strong Style stumbling outside of the ring, before he dives through the ropes onto Nakamura. Back in the ring, Aries turns his back on Nakamura and he locks him in a submission but Aries reaches the ropes. Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa but Aries catches his leg and lifts it up into another slam off of his leg and locks in his own submission move which Nakamura squirms out of. Aries is in the corner with Nakamura in the opposite and Aries hits a running dropkick. He then goes up top for the 450 splash but Nakamuara moves, although Aries rolls through. The two men are now fighting on the apron and Nakamura hits an Enziguri. Aries hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron and Nakamura looks out cold. Aries goes to dive through the ropes but Nakamura moves and he goes straight into the guard rail. Back in the ring, Nakamura hits Aries who was just making his way back in with a knee to the head from the top rope followed by an Exploder Suplex. Then, Nakamura gets the win with the Kinshasa.
Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura
Nakamura walks to the back celebrating his win as the commentators say that ‘one small mistake’ cost Aries.
Asuka vs Nia Jax – NXT Women’s Championship Match
Nia Jax is dominant from the off and tosses Asuka around the ring. Asuka tries to lock in a submission hold but it’s reversed into a backbreaker. After being dominated by her opponent for a couple more minutes, Asuka goes for the sleeper hold that has been successful against Nia Jax in the past but Jax hits a big suplex. Asuka then tries for a triangle hold but Jax lifts her up and slams her into the corner before charging into her. Jax has Asuka in a bear hug in the middle of the ring but Asuka rolls through and nearly finds a cover. She manages to lock a knee bar in but Jax reaches the ropes. Jax gets up and slams down Asuka. She goes for a leg drop but Asuka moves and hits a knee to the face. It doesn’t keep Jax down for long though, but she is quickly put pack down through a misile dropkick. She then hits her hip attack but it’s only a 2 count. Jax takes control out of nowhere there through a powerbomb. Asuka gets an armbar locked in but Jax forces her way out. Two big kicks from Asuka send Jax to one knee. Jax screams at her opponent. Another two big kicks to the head send her down to the mat before she covers for the win.
A video from earlier in the day airs with NXT GM talking about the show tonight. Bobby Roode is seen walking behind Regal and goes into his office. Regal stops the interview early and goes in behind Roode.
The cage is lowered for tonight’s Main Event between Samoa Joe and Finn Balor.
Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor – NXT Championship Steel Cage Match
Balor tries to escape over the top after planting Joe but is dragged down the cage by Joe. He is picked up and thrown into the cage again. Joe charges into Balor in the corner and then hits an enziguri. Joe is in control now and has Balor sitting down in the corner. He runs and kicks Balor in the side of the head for a 2 count. Balor is trying to fight back but is immediately thrown into the cage again. Joe goes to escape through the door but Balor stops him. Balor then gets close to making it out but is pulled back. Joe then hits a German suplex on Balor. Both men are climbing up the cage now and Joe kicks Balor in the back causing both men to fall off, Balor in particular takes a nasty bump as he falls between the ropes and the cage. Balor is stil between the ropes and cage and Joe charges at him, but Balor moves and Joe goes crashing into the cage. Joe then does the same thing when Balor charges at him and tries to lock in the clutch b ut Balor fights him off. Balor uses Joe’s head to climb over him and nearly out of the cage but Joe stops him. Standing on top of the rope, Balor kicks Joe right on the chin and causes him to fall. Balor also falls, though and his legs go either side of the top rope. Joe goes for the Musclebuster but Balor squirms out and hits a Pele kick. They are both on the top rope again and the Demon hits a slingblade from the top and then another on the mat. Joe then catches Finn in the Muslcebuster but he kicks out at 2. Back on his feet, Balor throws Joe into the cage twice and then a slingblade followed by a dropkick. Balor goes to the top rope and hits Coup de Grace but the champ kicks out at 2. He goes for 1916 but Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch and looks to be fading but he gets out using the turnbuckle. Joe is passed out on the mat and Balor looks to the top of the cage, suggesting he might go for the Coup de Grace from the top of the cage. Joe gets up but Balor kicks him off. When Balor is at the top, Joe gets up again. Balor’s legs are dangling outside of the cage but Joe lifts him back over for the Musclebuster from the middle rope and the victory to retain his title.
Winner and STILL NXT CHAMPION: Samoa Joe
Both men are lying in the ring as we look back at what just happened and the cage lifts up. Samoa Joe stands tall with his Championship as Balor is treated by a doctor and referees. The fans applaud for both guys. Joe walks to the back and stands at the top of the ramp with his title in the air as the show goes off air.