Below are the results of WWE NXT ‘Takeover: Philadelphia’:
NXT Tag Team Title Match: The Authors of Pain vs. The Undisputed Era
Fish with a close 2 count on Rezar after a big suplex. Rezar stops another double team and lays both of the champions out. Fish stops a double team on O’Reilly. Fish applies a sleeper hold to Rezar while O’Reilly has a leg submission on Akam. Rezar sends Fish to the mat, which also breaks the submission. All 4 Superstars are down in the middle of the ring now. Fans do dueling chants now. O’Reilly with kicks to Akam, still focusing on the knee. Akam yells back at O’Reilly and blocks a kick, launching him across the ring. Akam with knees in the corner to O’Reilly’s face. Akam knocks Fish off the apron. Akam with a Buckle Bomb to O’Reilly. Fish runs in but Rezar floors him. AOP go for the Super Collider but it ends up backfiring. The finish sees O’Reilly roll Akam up for the win.
Winners: The Undisputed Era
– After the bell, Ellering isn’t happy as the champs are down on the outside. Fish and O’Reilly stumble away with the titles as Ellering checks on The Authors. We go to replays. The champs talk trash from the stage as Akam, Rezar and Ellering look on from the ring.
The Velveteen Dream vs. Kassius Ohno
They trade big shots in the middle of the ring now. Ohno takes control with a big boot and a senton splash. Ohno with a Cyclone Kick for a close 2 count. Dream blocks a neckbreaker and backslides Ohno for a 2 count. Dream blocks a superkick and delivers one of his own. Dream with a spike DDT for another close 2 count. More back and forth as Dream covers for a close 2 count. Ohno nails the big elbow but can’t get the pin. Dream counters a move and nails the big Death Valley Driver. Dream goes to the top and leaps far across the ring for a huge elbow drop and the pin.
Winner: The Velveteen Dream
– After the match, Dream stands tall as his music hits. Dream steps on Ohno and walks over him as he poses in the corner. We go to replays. Dream continues the celebration as Ohno walks to the back.
NXT Women’s Title Match: Shayna Baszler vs. Ember Moon
Shayna with more offense on the fingers and the arm now. Baszler keeps control for a few minutes until Moon slams her for a close 2 count. Moon goes to the top and hits the Eclipse. Moon can’t get the pin because she lands bad on the arm that Baszler has been working on. Moon rolls around in pain as a referee calls for a trainer. Fans boo as two trainers come out to check on Moon. Baszler is still laid out flat on her back. We get a replay of the Eclipse.
The trainer is telling the referee something about Moon’s arm. Moon gets up and approaches Baszler but Baszler pulls her into an arm submission in the middle of the ring. Moon finally gets her leg on the bottom rope and the hold is broken.
The trainer is telling the referee something about Moon’s arm. Moon gets up and approaches Baszler but Baszler pulls her into an arm submission in the middle of the ring. Moon finally gets her leg on the bottom rope and the hold is broken.
Baszler pulls Moon right back into another arm submission in the middle of the ring. Moon tries to roll but Baszler tightens the hold after they re-position. Baszler pulls Moon’s legs away from the bottom rope and keeps the hold locked in. Baszler tightens the hold and screams out. Moon turns it over but Baszler tightens the hold again. Moon turns the submission into a pin out of nowhere to retain.
Winner: Ember Moon
– After the bell, Shayna and Ember are both shocked at the finish. Moon clutches her arm and rolls out of the ring with the title. Trainers check on Ember at ringside. We go to replays. Baszler sits in the corner with her hands on her head, still shocked. Trainers walk to the back with Ember. Baszler runs out of the ring and comes from behind, putting Ember in a choke hold. Trainers and referees try to pull Baszler off and the hold is finally broken. Baszler goes right back to the submission as fans boo. Ember is laid out as Baszler stands tall and backs up the ramp. Officials help Moon to her feet.
Extreme Rules Match: Adam Cole vs. Aleister Black
Cole comes back in but they go to the floor. Black with a huge shot to the face. Cole turns it around and sends Black’s head into the apron. Cole brings a few chairs from under the ring. Cole hits Black with a few strikes. Cole tosses the chairs into the ring and delivers a running boot to Black’s face. Black fights back but Cole rams him into the barrier. Cole brings a kendo stick from under the ring now. Black has a kendo stick of his own now. They meet in the ring and face off with the sticks as fans pop.
Black tosses his stick out of the ring and tells Cole to bring it. Cole swings and misses. Black unloads with forearms and a kick. Black goes for a moonsault from the second rope but Cole nails him in the gut with a kendo stick. Fans chant “holy s–t” now as Cole takes a seat. The referee checks on Black. Cole with another big kendo stick shot to the back and some trash talking. Cole puts the kendo stick in Black’s mouth and pulls back while talking trash. Cole with a Backstabber for a 2 count.
Fans chant for tables as Cole works Black over. Cole rolls to the floor and brings a table out from under the ring. Cole sets the table up at ringside as Black recovers inside. Cole returns to the ring and decks Black. Fans chant for the table and Cole says they’re going to get it. Cole brings Black to the corner and tries to suplex him through the table on the floor but Black resists. Black decks Cole and throws him on top of the trash can in the middle of the ring. Black with a running knee strike for another 2 count.
Black brings a table from under the ring now. Black stands the table next to the table that Cole set up. The referee checks on Cole. Black brings a ladder from under the ring now and slides it in but Cole kicks it into Black, sending him back into the barrier. Cole leans the ladder up in the corner. Cole’s hand is bleeding now. Cole brings Black back into the ring and goes for a suplex onto the leaning ladder. Black fights him. Cole drops Black with an enziguri. Cole with kicks and punches in the corner now.
Black brings a table from under the ring now. Black stands the table next to the table that Cole set up. The referee checks on Cole. Black brings a ladder from under the ring now and slides it in but Cole kicks it into Black, sending him back into the barrier. Cole leans the ladder up in the corner. Cole’s hand is bleeding now. Cole brings Black back into the ring and goes for a suplex onto the leaning ladder. Black fights him. Cole drops Black with an enziguri. Cole with kicks and punches in the corner now.
Cole unloads in the corner for a pop. Black has Cole in the Electric Chair now. Black drops Cole into the ladder in the corner. We get replays. Black with a 2 count now. Black stands a chair up now. Black runs the ropes but Cole jumps up and hits Black in the gut with the chair. Cole tries to lift Black onto the chair but a back elbow stops him. Cole avoids a few shots but Black stomps on him with both feet. Black positions Cole’s face onto the seat of the chair. Black goes to the top but Cole tosses a chair at him. Black catches it but Cole superkicks him from the top through the two tables on the floor. Fans chant “holy s–t” as the referee checks on Black.
Cole brings Black back into the ring and covers for a 2 count. Fans chant “this is awesome” now. Cole positions a chair and pushes another chair up against the first. Black jumps up and counters, slamming Cole on top of the two chairs. We get replays as Cole screams in pain. Cole grabs a chair and uses it to get up but Black kicks it into his face. Black clutches his leg but covers for a 2 count as Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish run in to break the pin.
Fish and O’Reilly take out Black on the floor. They’re still beat up from the earlier match. They drag Black over to the announce table and start taking it apart. SAnitY runs down and stops the table spot. Eric Young and Alexander Wolfe beat Fish and O’Reilly around ringside. Killian Dain enters the ring and stares Cole down. Dain runs the ropes and nails a huge dive on EY, Wolfe, Fish and O’Reilly as fans chant for NXT. Black is still out on the floor. Cole goes after him. Cole tries to put Black through the announce table but Black fights him off. Black puts Cole through the announce table with a big double knee spot.
Gargano gets dropped in the corner with a knee after more back & forth. Almas takes Gargano to the top for the big draping hammerlock DDT from the top but Gargano slides down and avoids it. Gargano superkicks Almas while Almas is still on the top. Almas hits the drive-by knees but misses the follow-up. They tangle in the corner but Almas hits an inverted tornado DDT from the top for another close 2 count as the crowd pops big and goes wild. Fans chant NXT as both men are down in the middle of the ring.
They tangle on the apron now. Almas tries for a DDT but it’s blocked. Gargano slides out of a fireman’s carry and hits Almas with strikes. Gargano kicks Almas with an enziguri but Almas hangs on the apron. Gargano with a big DDT on the apron, causing Almas to fall out to the floor. Gargano is also down on the floor. The referee counts as Gargano tries to bring Almas back into the ring. Gargano with a 2 count. Gargano tries for the Gargano Escape but Almas resists. Almas with a jawbreaker.
Gargano with forearms in the middle of the ring. Almas drops Gargano with a back elbow. Vega yells at Almas to put Gargano away. Almas charges but Gargano leaps out of the corner with a big clothesline. Gargano sends Almas into the second turnbuckle. Gargano is distracted by Vega, allowing Almas to attack from behind with a dropkick. Gargano counters a move and rolls Almas up for a close 2 count. Gargano ends up dropping Almas for another close 2 count. Gargano is bleeding from his lip now.