Below are the resutls of WWE NXT:
Andrade “Cien” Almas vs. Fabian Aichner
Almas wastes no time using a bullet like drop kick as soon as the bell rings. Tilt-a-whirl back breaker by Aichner. Huge springboard dive to the outside by the upstart and follows up with a springboard tornado DDT. Hot start from Aichner. Power slam and a two count on the champ. Almas appears to have had enough and flips the switch. He slings Aichner outside and into the steel steps. Once back in, he goes directly into the Hammerlock DDT for the win.
Winner via Pin Fall: Andrade “Cien” Almas
– Vignette for the enigmatic Aleister Black. Love showing history video packages and character vignettes to this new audience.
Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Authors of Pain
Burch and Akam start off and the big man gets the best of the opening lock up. Tag made to Lorcan and he goes to town on both AOP members. Burch joins the fray until AOP reverses the roles and hit Death Valley Drivers into the turnbuckles. They pick up their smaller adversaries to hit the Super Collider. AOP closes the book on the match with the Last Chapter for the semi-squash win.
Winners via Pin Fall: Authors of Pain
– UK Title and NXT Tag Team Title matches announced for next week.
Adam Cole vs. Aleister Black
Cole proceeds to trash talk and stomp a mudhole into Black. Cole lets him up and that may be his demise. Strikes aplenty from Black who has had enough. Springboard rana from Black. He looks for the Black Mass but Cole able to step out of the way. Kick to the jaw by Black gets a two count. Cole reverses into a back stabber for a two of his own. Shots landing left and right from both men. Fireman’s carry neck breaker by Cole for a near fall. Both men slow to get up. Black blocks a super kick and hits a high knee. He sets Cole back up with his boot, who proceeds to trash talk, and spitefully hits the Black Mass kick for the win.
Winner via Pin Fall: Aleister Black
– Black lets his win sink in as they hype next week’s episode featuring two title matches and another four-way qualifying match.