– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a video package on Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar.
– We’re live from Atlanta, Georgia with Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and JBL on commentary. We see what’s left of the destroyed Cadillac CTS sitting beside the stage.
– The music hits and out comes Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman. Fans pop as the pyro goes off.
The crowd is hot and chanting “Suplex City” as Heyman and Lesnar hit the ring. Heyman does the intro for Lesnar and calls him The Beast of Battleground. Heyman praises Lesnar and says Lesnar will enter the ring on Sunday as a challenger but will not leave the ring the same way. Heyman says Seth Rollins is going to get beat up and will get his ass kicked by Lesnar. Heyman says Rollins will be suplexed, F5’d and pinned by Lesnar. The music interrupts Heyman and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins with Kane. Rollins speaks from the stage.
Lesnar smiles as Rollins takes the mic. Rollins says he can’t wait to wipe that stupid smile off Lesnar’s face on Sunday. Rollins calls Lesnar a coward for taking his aggression out on the Cadillac last week. Rollins fumbles his words and the crowd laughs at him. He tells them to shut up and Lesnar also laughs at him. Now the Justin Bieber chants start up. Rollins is also upset about Lesnar parading the destroyed car around the country like a trophy. Rollins raises the title and says he’s everything that’s right about WWE, a real champion while Lesnar is a thug, a criminal, a vandal. Rollins says he’s going to take a trip to Suplex City on Sunday, he’s going to bring the matches and gasoline and he’s going to burn Suplex City to the ground. Fans boo. Lesnar says he can take Rollins to Suplex City tonight, bitch. Kane announces a contract signing between the two tonight and says his job is to make sure it goes smoothly. Kane says if Lesnar does anything to spoil the match… Heyman interrupts and asks if Kane is about to threaten The Beast. Heyman calls him The Undertaker’s baby brother and they laugh at him. Fans chant “baby brother” now.
Heyman brings up Lesnar ending The Undertaker’s Streak. Heyman wonders what could possibly go wrong in a contract signing and says Lesnar will come with peace, love and understanding in his heart. Unless Rollins breaks the 11th commandment – thou shalt not intentionally provoke The Beast. Lesnar’s music hits as they stare each other down.
Randy Orton and Ryback vs. Sheamus and Big Show
Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Ryback. Randy Orton is out next to a big pop. Sheamus is out next with his Money In the Bank briefcase and Big Show is the last man out.
The Miz is on commentary talking about the Triple Threat at Battleground. Ryback and Sheamus start it off going at it. They fight on the apron and Ryback knocks Sheamus to the floor. Ryback leaps over the top and lands on Sheamus. He comes back in the ring as fans chant “feed me more” and we go to commercial.
Note: We’ve had some pretty bad storms here in North Carolina and I’m just now getting back online. Stay tuned for coverage to continue…
– Randy Orton and Ryback defeated Big Show and Sheamus.
– Roman Reigns attacks Bray Wyatt before his match with Dean Ambrose and they brawl. Reigns ends up hitting a Superman punch but Wyatt nails him with a lantern and walks away.
– The Bella Twins and Alicia Fox come out for Nikki Bella’s State of the Divas Division speech. Stephanie McMahon interrupts and says the legacy of the division lies with her. She says Team Bella has been unstoppable but there has not been a level of competition in the WWE. There are women making a mark in Women’s Soccer, MMA, and tennis. It is time to make a change in the Divas Division. She brings out Paige, then Becky Lynch and Charlotte. Naomi and Tamina Snuka come out next and say they have unfinished business with The Bellas and Paige. Stephanie then introduces NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. This leads to Sasha pulling Nikki down and a fight starts. Charlotte dropkicks Brie and Flair chops Nikki. The segment ends with Charlotte putting a Figure Four on Alicia, Becky puts an armbar on Brie and Sasha hits a Bank Statement on Nikki. It’s Sasha, Tamina and Naomi facing off with Paige, Becky and Charlotte.
– Mark Henry, Titus O’Neil, and Darren Young defeated The New Day.
– R-Truth defeated King Barrett.
– John Cena comes to the ring and waits to the United States Title Open Challenge but Rusev comes out with Lana. Rusev cuts a promo until Kevin Owens comes out. This leads to Cesaro coming out an a fight breaks out. Cesaro is left standing in the ring but we get a triple threat match with Cena on commentary. We go to commercial with Owens walking backstage and saying he’s had enough, he will see Cena on Sunday. We come back and Owens has not returned. Rusev ends up getting the win to become the #1 contender and will get his shot next. Cena hits the ring as we go to commercial.
WWE United States Title Match: Rusev vs. John Cena
Back from the break and we get formal ring introductions from Lilian Garcia. Rusev is still recovering from the last match but is on his feet.
Cena strikes first and takes Rusev down with a headlock. They end up trading submissions and Rusev gets The Accolade locked in until Kevin Owens run down and attacks him for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Rusev
– After the match, Owens drops Rusev and hits the pop-up powerbomb on Cena. Owens yells how he told Cena nobody would take the title but him.
– Backstage segment with Kane and Seth Rollins. Rollins is worried about Kane’s plan working out tonight. Rollins walks off and we go to commercial.
– Back from the break and the WWE Tough Enough competitors are on the stage. Coach Lita’s music hits and out she comes to a pop. She makes her way to the ring while the cast watches from the stage.
Lita is here to officially introduce the Tough Enough cast and she points them all out by name as the Tough Enough theme plays. ZZ got the biggest pop followed by Patrick and Giorgia.
– The announcers talk Reigns vs. Wyatt.
Stardust is backstage with a promo that pays homage to the late Dusty Rhodes. Stardust cuts a promo on Neville.
Stardust vs. Neville
Neville is out first followed by Stardust. Cole acknowledges this is his first appearance since the passing of Dusty Rhodes. Fans chant for Cody to start. Neville tries to shake his hand but Stardust hits him and goes to work. Stardust keeps control and hisses at fans. He runs into an elbow and a kick from the apron. Neville goes to the top for Red Arrow but climbs back down when Stardust gets up. He springboards in but Stardust catches him and nails a slam.
Fans chant for Cody again as he keeps Neville down. Stardust keeps control but Neville fights back. Stardust foils another Red Arrow attempt. Neville with a roll up for 2 out of the corner. Neville with another pin attempt. More back and forth on the mat until Stardust gets the win with a roll up.
Winner: Stardust
– We see Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman walking backstage. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and the ring is set up for a contract signing. Kane comes out with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins. Rollins says he’s tired of seeing the footage of Lesnar destroying J&J Security’s Cadillac. Rollins shows us video of his beatdown on Lesnar from three weeks ago. Rollins says all a man has in this world is his word and he’s proud to give us his – he is not afraid of Brock Lesnar. Rollins says he will conquer The Conqueror on Sunday at Battleground, he will be the wrecking ball that demolishes Suplex City and the fire that burns it to ashes. The music hits and out comes Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman.
They have a staredown before Lesnar takes a seat and looks at the contract for Battleground. Heyman cuts a promo on how he’s wanted to see someone get their hands on Rollins for a while, as have the fans. Heyman says people are paying to see Battleground just to watch Rollins get his ass kicked. Heyman adds that fans will get their money worth. Heyman goes on as Lesnar smirks at Rollins, who is also sitting now. Rollins signs as does Lesnar. Heyman and Rollins have words until Lesnar flips the table. He grabs an axe handle that was underneath and stands the table back up. Fans chant “Suplex City” as Rollins looks on in fear.
Lesnar sits back down as does Rollins, who inches his chair over. Lesnar has put the ax handle on the table and allows Rollins to pick it up. Lesnar suddenly grabs the table and rams Rollins with it. He takes Kane out. Rollins eats a German suplex. Kane pulls Lesnar to the floor. Rollins leaps out but Lesnar catches him. Kane makes the save and they both stomp away on Lesnar. Rollins sends Lesnar into the ring post and nails him with the axe handle. Rollins sends Lesnar into the steel steps as Kane holds them. Kane then slams the steps onto Lesnar and the beatdown continues. Rollins tries for a Pedigree on the steps but Lesnar sends him into the barrier. Lesnar leaps at Kane but he catches him. Lesnar counters a chokeslam and drops Kane with a F5 on the floor. Rollins takes off through the crowd as Lesnar looks on from the ring. Lesnar goes back to the floor and places Kane’s leg on the bottom part of the steel steps. He grabs the top part and slams it onto Kane’s leg. Lesnar brings the WWE World Heavyweight Title belt into the ring and raises it high as his music hits. Rollins looks on from the crowd as we go to replays. Lesnar and Heyman leave as Rollins slowly comes back to the ring. Kane is laying on the floor clutching his leg. Rollins enters the ring and throws a fit, throwing the table and chairs around. He takes the mic and cuts a promo on Lesnar. Rollins says he will prove on Sunday that Lesnar is not a monster, not a machine, that he’s just a man with a pulse that can beat. Rollins says he will rip the sword off Lesnar’s chest and be forever known as the man who slayed The Beast. Rollins leaves with his title as we see officials and EMTs checking on Kane at ringside. Rollins taunts him on the mic and yells at him for the big plan not working out. Rollins says Kane’s career has been one big disappointment. Rollins continues ripping Kane and calls him a wannabe Hall of Famer. Rollins stomps on Kane’s injured leg before storming up the ramp. RAW goes off the air with Rollins running his mouth and holding the title up on the ramp.