Tonight’s WWE RAW will take a place at TOYOTA CENTER HOUSTON, TX on November 20, 2017 at 8/7 PMC.
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Balor blocks the Uranage but Joe chops him. Balor nails a Slingblade. Joe drops Balor and hits the senton for another 2 count.
Joe waits for Balor to get up now. Joe applies the Coquina Clutch and drops back but Balor rolls through and nails a double stomp to the stomach. Balor drops Joe coming out of the corner.
Balor goes to the top but Joe crotches him. Joe overpowers Balor and drops him with the Coquina Clutch, tightening the hold in the middle of the ring now. Balor goes out and Joe wins.
Winner: Samoa Joe
– After the match, Joe stands tall as his music hits. The referee checks on Balor.
Asuka vs. Dana Brooke
The bell rings and Asuka strikes first. Dana tries to fight but Asuka works her over and takes it to the ropes. Asuka knocks Dana off the apron with a Hip Attack. Asuka poses and mocks Dana now. Dana comes in but Asuka sidesteps and takes her down.
Dana ends up patting Asuka on the head and slapping her. Asuka fires back and unloads, getting the win with a kick.
Winner: Asuka
– After the match, Asuka stands tall as her music hits and play replays.
Roman Reigns On The Miz TV:
The Shield hits the ring and Miz says his guest tonight was Reigns. The Shield brags on their win at Survivor Series last night. Miz mocks them for being back together. This leads to fans chanting “this is awesome” as the two sides have words. Rollins mentions how he and Ambrose will have the RAW Tag Team Titles back soon. Reigns says he can’t be the only one without a title. Rollins points out how Miz has a title. Reigns asks Miz if he’s free tonight and asks Houston if they want to see the match. The segment ends with The Shield destroying Axel and Dallas while Miz looks on from the ramp. Miz has not accepted the challenge.
Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus
Ambrose dodges a Brogue Kick, sending Sheamus to the floor. Ambrose runs the ropes and nails a suicide dive on Sheamus.
Cesaro ends up attacking Rollins from behind, allowing Sheamus to roll up a distracted Ambrose for a 2 count. More back and forth between the two now.
Sheamus ends up hitting a super rolling senton for a close 2 count. Cesaro can’t believe it. The finish sees Rollins take down Cesaro on the floor and unload on him. Ambrose takes advantage and hits Dirty Deeds on Sheamus for the pin.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
– After the match, Rollins checks on Ambrose.
Fatal 4 Way to Crown a New #1 Contender: Alicia Fox vs. Mickie James vs. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks
The match continues until the music hits and out comes Paige for a big return pop.
Everyone is shocked at Paige. She takes the mic and asks if we missed her. A “yes!” chant starts up. Paige apologizes for interrupting the business in the ring but she just had something to say to them and the fans – I’m back. Paige says she doesn’t think the crowd is loud enough. She gets another pop and a “welcome back” chant. Paige says but she didn’t come back alone. She takes off her jacket and heads down to the ring.
Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose enter the ring to drop Mickie as Paige looks on from ringside. A chant for WWE NXT starts up next. Sasha goes after Mandy but Deville makes the save. Mandy drops Sasha. Bayley enters the fight but Paige comes from behind and drops her with a kick.
Fox watches from ringside and runs away to the back. Mandy drops Mickie and Deville drops Sasha again. Paige goes after Bayley and drops her with the RamPaige in the middle of the ring. Paige poses with Mandy and Sonya.
Paige, Mandy and Sonya are backstage with Renee Young. Bliss quickly interrupts and gives them props, saying Paige doesn’t have to explain herself. She dismisses Renee. Paige introduces Mandy and Sonya to Bliss but they triple team her and beat her down, destroying her in the back. They leave Bliss laying.
Braun Strowman vs. Jason Jordan
Jordan sizes Braun up to start. They meet in the middle of the ring and Jordan decks Braun in the mouth. Braun charges but Jordan retreats to the floor. Braun is furious. Jordan comes back in and moves as Braun charges in the corner and hits hard. Jordan tries to drive Braun in the corner but he can’t get him up. His leg goes out. Braun tosses Jordan and floors him in the corner.
Braun watches as Jordan is on the floor again. Kane enters the ring and takes out Braun from behind. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner by DQ: Braun Strowman
– After the bell, Kane beats Braun around with a steel chair now. They go to the floor and Kane uses the ring steps. Kane drives a chair into Braun’s neck by slamming it into the steps. Braun gasps for air as officials try to help him out. Braun isn’t interested as he slowly makes his way up the ramp.
Mustafa Ali, Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann and Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak, Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari and Noam Dar
Enzo goes after Swann again but misses. Swann runs in and finally makes the tag to Cedric. Cedric unloads on Dar and then sends Gulak out as Tozawa assists him. Tozawa runs the ropes and hits a dive on Gulak. Nese drops Cedric into the ropes with an elbow but didn’t see the tag to Ali.
Ali drops Dar and goes to the top. Nese pulls Dar to safety but Cedric stops him with a Lumbar Check. Ali hits the reverse 450 on Dar for the pin.
Winners: Mustafa Ali, Cedric Alexander, Rich Swann and Akira Tozawa
– After the match, the babyfaces celebrate and stand tall.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Roman Reigns vs. The Miz
Miz stomps on Reigns now. Miz with the boot to the throat as the referee warns him. Miz with a big running clothesline in the corner. Miz goes to the top but Reigns nails a Superman Punch to knock him out of mid-air. Reigns with a close 2 count. Reigns gets hyped up again as he waits for Miz. Sheamus and Cesaro run down but Reigns swings at them, missing on the apron. Miz comes from behind and nails the Skull Crushing Finale but Reigns kicks out right before the 3 count. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose run down now to take out The Bar at ringside.
Miz and Reigns are both slow to get up. Miz turns around to a spear from Reigns. Reigns covers for the pin and the title.
Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion: Roman Reigns
After the match, Reigns takes the Intercontinental Title for the first time as Rollins and Ambrose join him to celebrate. We go to replays. We come back to Reigns posing with the title. The Shield stands tall as RAW goes off the air.