Tonight’s WWE RAW will take a place at STAPLES CENTER LOS ANGELES, CA.
InterContinental Title Match: Roman Reigns Vs. Jason Jordan
Reigns continues focusing on the knee, applying a half-crab in the middle of the ring now. Jordan tries to go for the ropes but Reigns re-adjusts. Jordan counters the hold and rolls Reigns up for a close 2 count. Reigns with a Superman Punch for a close 2 count. We see how Jordan hurt his knee more during the break as the two tumbled out to the floor. Reigns and Jordan get up at the same time now.
Reigns goes for a spear but Jordan hits him with the bad leg. Jordan with two Northern Lights suplexes but Reigns still kicks out. More quick back & forth until Reigns hits a Superman Punch and a spear out of nowhere for the win.
Winner: Roman Reigns
– After the match, Reigns sits up and takes the title as we go to replays.
Paige (w/Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville) Vs. Sasha Banks (w/ Bayley and Mickie James)
Paige blocks the Banks Statement. Paige goes for the RamPaige but it’s blocked. Sasha with the Banks Statement in the middle of the ring as fans pop. Paige finally gets to the bottom rope and the hold is broken.
Paige rolls to the floor. The two sides face off. Sasha and Paige return to the ring but Rose and Deville beat Bayley and Mickie down on the floor as they went for Sasha’s leg. This leads to Sasha being distracted by Rose and Deville. Paige drops her with a kick and hits RamPaige for the pin.
Winner: Paige
– After the match, Deville and Rose join Paige in the ring. They take out Sasha again as Bliss makes her exit to the back without getting involved. Absolution stands tall over Sasha.
Tony Nese vs. Drew Gulak vs. Mustafa Ali vs. Cedric Alexander
Nese gets knocked to the mat by Cedric. Ali moves over to the top and nails a huge springboard Spanish Fly to Cedric. The crowd pops big time. Ali covers for a 2 count as Gulak breaks the pin.
Fans chant “this is awesome” now. Ali and Gulak slowly get up. Gulak with a jawbreaker. Gulak goes for a suplex but it’s blocked twice. Gulak unloads but Ali lands on his feet. More back and forth between the two. Ali drops Gulak in the corner and climbs to the top. Nese pulls Gulak to the floor to safety. Nese knees Ali in the head while he’s up top. Cedric ends up hitting a Lumbar Check on Nese, sending him to the floor. Cedric also drops Ali in the middle of the ring. Gulak runs in and takes out Cedric with a knee. Gulak covers Ali and steals the win to advance to next week’s RAW.
Winner: Drew Gulak
– After the match, Gulak celebrates as we go to replays. Gulak vs. Swann is now set for next week’s RAW with the winner facing Enzo the following week.
Asuka vs. Alicia Fox
Asuka makes a comeback early on and hits the Hip Attack. Asuka with more offense until Fox hits her with more kicks.
Fox upset Asuka with a few disrespectful shots. Asuka comes back and hits a kick off the ropes. Asuka ends up kicking Fox after blocking the scissors kick. Asuka goes on and takes Fox down into the armbar for the win.
Winner: Asuka
– After the match, Asuka stands tall as her music hits. Paige’s music hits and out she comes with Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville. Absolution once again surrounds Asuka while she’s in the ring, staring her down. Asuka backs out of the ring without fighting, just like last week. Asuka is all smiles as she backs up the ramp. Paige takes the mic and addresses Fox, telling her to relax. Paige enters the ring and says from the bottom of her heart, she’s not here to hurt Foxy. Paige says Fox is actually her friend and the only one to like her a year ago. Paige says Fox is her best friend and she loves Fox. Paige loves Fox, she just doesn’t think Sonya and Mandy feel the same way. Paige looks at both of them and they enter the ring with Paige and Fox now. Fox starts fighting as Mandy and Sonya attack her. Paige watches. Sonya whips Fox into a kick from Mandy. Deville floors her with a big knee next. Absolution stands tall as Paige steps over Fox. Paige yells that they are Absolution as her music hits while they stand tall with their arms in the air.
Finn Balor vs. Bo Dallas
Balor fights up but Dallas slams him back to the mat. Bo stomps on Balor and drops a knee for another pin attempt. Bo keeps Balor grounded with another submission on the arm. Dallas sends Balor to the corner but runs into a boot. Balor starts building momentum and nails the double stomp while Bo is on the mat. More back and forth. Balor with more offense and a Slingblade as the comeback continues. Balor with a big dropkick into the corner.
Balor goes to the top while Dallas is down in the middle of the ring. Balor nails a huge Coup de Grace for the win.
Winner: Finn Balor
– After the match, Balor stands tall as JoJo makes the announcement.
RAW Tag Team Title Match: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. Cesaro and Sheamus
The Bar tries to double team Ambrose with a super powerbomb but Ambrose fights them off and sends Cesaro into the turnbuckle. Rollins tags in and climbs up for a big superplex on Sheamus. Rollins rolls through and hits a Falcon Arrow for a close 2 count as Cesaro breaks the pin up. Cesaro and Rollins go at it. A Neutralizer is blocked. Rollins with a big forearm. Cesaro counters and hits a big uppercut. Cesaro goes for he Neutralizer but it’s blocked. Rollins drops Cesaro wit a knee to the face. Rollins with a 2 count as Sheamus breaks the pin. Sheamus unloads on Rollins with stomps as the referee warns him. Ambrose tries to run into the ring but Sheamus knees him in the face. Sheamus goes back to stomping away on Rollins. The referee tries to get him to stop but he won’t. The referee calls the match.
Winners by DQ: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
– After the match, JoJo makes the announcement as The Bar stands tall and retrieves their titles. Sheamus is all smiles. Kurt Angle comes out and says they’re not getting off that easy. He’s going to give them a chance to prove that they are really The Bar. The match is being re-started as a No DQ match. It’s true, it’s damn true.
No DQ Match for the RAW Tag Team Titles: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. The Bar
Rollins and Ambrose immediately go after The Bar and take control. Cesaro uppercuts Ambrose as they come back in the ring but Ambrose hits the big clothesline coming right back. Rollins drops Cesaro and Ambrose covers for a close 2 count. Ambrose and Rollins can’t believe it.
Rollins and Ambrose wait for Cesaro to get up but Samoa Joe hits the ring and takes Ambrose and Rollins out. Roman Reigns runs down and chases Joe from the ring. Joe runs through the crowd but Reigns doesn’t follow. Cesaro eats a Superman Punch from Reigns. Sheamus runs in and his a Brogue Lick on Ambrose. Sheamus assists Cesaro in covering Ambrose for the win.
Winners: Sheamus and Cesaro
– After the match, The Bar takes the titles and leaves with Joe through the crowd as their music hits. Reigns looks on from the ring as Rollins and Ambrose recover. RAW goes off the air.