– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up from a sold out Barclays Center in Brooklyn with Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and JBL. They hype tonight’s main event – John Cena’s return vs. WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio.
– We go right to the ring and out comes Vince McMahon to a big pop.
Vince says he came to settle a score tonight. He would have done it last week but he had to undergo dental surgery. Vince says he should have done this weeks ago. He calls WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns out to the ring. Vince says don’t make me… the music hits and out comes Reigns through the crowd to mostly cheers.
We get a look back at last week’s steel cage match and Stephanie McMahon assaulting Tom Phillips. Vince mocks Reigns and hopes he’s not expecting a congratulations on being champion because Vince can’t find it in his heart, especially after what he did to his son-in-law Triple H. Vince says Triple H will get revenge one day and when he does, Reigns probably won’t even see it coming. Fans chant “we can’t hear you” at Vince and Reigns tells him to speak up, old man. Vince goes on and gets the “what?” treatment for a minute. Vince brings up Stephanie and tells Reigns nobody crosses a McMahon. Vince talks about what Reigns did to him two weeks ago and says Reigns doesn’t get it. Vince owns this ring and the title, it’s his. Vince says Reigns will soon see that he also owns Reigns. It may take him a while, but he will realize it. Reigns says this is the problem with rich snobs like Vince – they think they own everything. Vince says he’s not a rich snob, he’s a freaking billionaire. Vince says there’s a big difference. Reigns says he’s still a jerk. Reigns says Vince doesn’t own him and doesn’t own the title. He says “we” meaning him and his fans own the title. Vince asks the fans if they really think they own the title and a “yes!” chant starts up.
Vince asks Reigns how long he thinks he will be champion. Vince says Reigns should really wonder that. Reigns asks if Vince is threatening him. Fans chant for Daniel Bryan and Vince yells at them to shut up. The chants continue and Reigns says Vince has riled the fans up now. Reigns wonders what Vince has in store for him. Fans chant for CM Punk but Vince doesn’t respond. Vince brings up The Wild Samoans and reminds Reigns that he’s just one generation away from a bone through his nose. Vince talks about putting uncle Afa through hell and says he enjoyed it. Vince brings up Reigns’ dad Sika and says he used Sika up, lined his pockets with his money and then paid him peanuts. Reigns pushes him and Vince goes down to the mat, acting like he has a neck injury. “My neck, my neck…” he says. Stephanie McMahon’s music hits and out she comes concerned. She puts on a show and tells police offers to arrest Reigns. He looks on confused. Stephanie enters the ring and Vince is back on his feet. She has two detectives with her. She tells them to arrest Reigns but they say no, they weren’t brought to be Stephanie’s personal police department. They were brought here to do security and that’s it. Stephanie says they just witnessed Reigns put his hands on her 70 year old geriatric father but they still won’t arrest him. Stephanie yells in the detective’s face and he threatens to take her to jail. Fans pop.
Vince gets into it with the police, telling them he knows their boss and they can’t threaten his daughter because he’s Vince McMahon. Reigns grabs one of the cops by his collar and he’s told to back up. Vince apologizes and says he didn’t mean to do that. The cop tells other police officers to arrest Vince and they grab him. Stephanie pleads with them. They put Vince in handcuffs, read him his rights and take him away as Reigns looks on laughing. Stephanie follows and tells Vince she loves him. Reigns raises the title in the ring as Vince is taken away through the back by police. We go to commercial.
– Back from the break and we see footage of Vince being put into a squad car during the commercial while Stephanie screamed about police brutality. They took Vince to a local precinct but Cole wasn’t sure what the charges are.
Kevin Owens vs. Neville
We go to the ring and Kevin Owens waits as Neville makes his way out with his Slammy Award.
The bell rings and Neville quickly goes for Red Arrow after stunning Owens. Owens cuts him off and goes for the pop-up powerbomb. Neville turns that into a pin for the win in less than 30 seconds.
Winner: Neville
– Owens attacks Neville as soon as the bell hits. Owens takes Neville to the floor and destroys him, tossing him into the barrier. Owens drives Neville into the post between his legs and continues beating and stomping on him as officials try to pull him off. We go to commercial.
– Back from the break and officials are helping Neville from ringside. Owens runs back down and floors Neville with a huge clothesline, then throws him into the steel steps. Owens yells about Neville being the Breakout Star and says he will break his neck. Owens goes for a powerbomb on the apron but the music hits and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose. They brawl around the ring and Owens shoves Ambrose into the ring post. Owens tries to roll Owens in the ring but he bounces back with the big clothesline. Officials try to separate them but they end up in the ring. Owens quickly rolls out and retreats through the crowd
– We get a look at John Cena’s appearance on “Today” this morning. Cena will return in tonight’s main event. Back to commercial.
– JoJo interviews Becky Lynch backstage and she gets a pop for mentioning how she lived in New York City before. She’s not worried about not having a group tonight. Becky says she didn’t come to WWE to blend in, she came to stand out.
Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch
We go to the ring and out comes Sasha Banks with Tamina Snuka and Naomi. Sasha says The Boss is back in Brooklyn and gets a pop. She cuts a prom and brings out a New England Patriots hat, getting heat for her hometown being Boston. Naomi starts ripping on Brooklyn and New York City. Sasha says we can bank on that and she hits the ring to wait on Becky, who comes out to a decent reaction. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and the match is underway. Back and forth to start. They go at it and fans chant for NXT. Sasha gets sent to the floor and she takes a breather with Team BAD. Sasha comes back in and works on the arm. Becky takes her down and also works on the arm. Becky ends up getting Sasha in a submission but Team BAD pulls her to the bottom rope. More back and forth until Becky dives out onto all three of them, taking them out. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Becky is in control of Sasha in the ring. They end up on the top rope and Sasha drops her over the top. Sasha with the double knees to the back int he corner for a 2 count. More back and forth. Becky makes a comeback with clotheslines after being down for a minute. They trade counters. Sasha charges but Becky moves and Sasha lands out on Naomi and Tamina. Sasha goes back in and ends up hitting thew Backstabber but Becky fights a submission. They get back to their feet and Sasha nails Becky in the mouth. Becky with a suplex into the turnbuckles for a 2 count.
Tamina distracts the referee on one side of the ring while Naomi kicks Becky in the head. Sasha takes advantage and hits the Backstabber and applies the Banks Statement. Becky fights it and applies the Disarm Her but Sasha turns it into a pin for the win.
Winner: Sasha Banks
– After the match, we go to replays as Team BAD taunts Becky from the ramp.
– We go to Renee Young at a local NYPD precinct. Vince McMahon has been booked and we see his mugshot. Renee says possible charges include Resisting Arrest and Assaulting an Officer. She says Stephanie McMahon and WWE lawyer Jerry McDevitt are on their way. We will check back with Renee for updates.
– Still to come, Ambrose and The Usos vs. The League of Nations in six-man action.
Kofi Kingston vs. Kalisto
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day.
Back from the break and The New Day tease performing a song but they’re not going to because fans didn’t vote for them to win the Slammy Award for Tag Team of the Year. They’re still upset about that. They go on and out comes Sin Cara and Kalisto to interrupt.
Kofi and Kalisto lock up to start. Kofi takes Kalisto down as Big E and Xavier Woods run their mouths at ringside. Kalisto ducks some kicks and takes Kofi down with a kick of his own for a pop. Kalisto mocks Kofi’s unicorn horn and unloads on him with offense. Kalisto with a headlock now. Kofi drops Kalisto with a boot to the face as Woods plays the trombone. Kofi beats on Kalisto and goes to the second rope. He misses a stomp as Kalisto moves.
Kalisto with a takedown and a corkscrew crossbody. Kalisto with kicks. Kalisto slams Kofi’s face into the mat and dropkicks Woods off the apron into Big E’s arms. Cara takes both of them down. Kalisto goes to work on Kofi and ends up getting the win by pin.
Winner: Kalisto
– After the match, The Lucha Dragons head up the ramp and Woods takes the mic. He says Sin Cara disgusts him because kids look up to him and he’s teaching them to cheat to win. Woods challenges Cara to face Big E and it looks like we’ve got a match.
Big E vs. Sin Cara
Back from the break and the match is underway. Big E takes kicks and hits a big back drop. Woods and Kofi harass the announcers. Big E catches a moonsault but Cara takes advantage. Cara works on some good offense but Big E pulls him from the apron to the floor, hitting his shoulder pretty hard. The referee calls for a trainer to come check on Cara as does Kalisto. Cara says he’s OK and he goes back in the ring to continue the match. Big E works him over and taunts him about his shoulder.
Big E keeps control as Kofi dances and Woods plays the trombone at ringside. Big E turns Cara upside down in the corner and charges but Cara pulls himself up and Big E hits the ring post. Cara with a corkscrew from the top. Cara with another crossbody as he holds his hurt arm. Cara comes off the rope again for a 2 count. Big E takes him to the corner and then to the top. Cara counters and hits a super rolling senton. Kofi, Woods and Kalisto all try to get involved at one point. Cara kicks Woods off the apron. Big E takes advantage of the distraction and hits a Big Ending on Cara for the win.
Winner: Big E
– Still to come, a special edition of Miz TV that looks back at 2015. We go to commercial.
– Back from the break and Cole plugs John Cena’s new Muscle & Fitness cover.
– The Miz is in the ring for another edition of Miz TV – the first annual Miz TV Year In Review Spectacular. Miz starts talking but is interrupted by Ryback’s music. Ryback says Miz looks stupid and disses Miz TV. Ryback says WWE fans aren’t worried about the past, just the future, and 2016 is going to be the year of The Big Guy. Goldust’s music hits and out he comes to interrupt.
Goldust comes out and creeps on The Miz until Zack Ryder’s music hits. Ryder says Brooklyn is New Zack City and 2016 is finally going to be the year of Zack Ryder. He gets a pop and does his “WWWYKI” catchphrase. Miz tells everyone to calm down and says it’s starting to get disrespectful. He starts talking about his year again but R-Truth’s music interrupts. Truth tells fans that the whole roster is eligible for the Superstar of the Year Slammy Award. He wants everyone’s vote. The Miz points out that the Slammys were last week and Truth even won one. Truth finally remembers and apologizes. He says he really needs to get one of those daily planners. Miz goes to talk about his year again but Heath Slater’s music interrupts and out he comes.
Slater says if anyone has a lot to say, it’s him. He gets somewhat of a pop but before he can say anything else, Big Show’s music hits and he’s the next one to come to the ring. Slater says nobody cares what Show has to say because it’s all about him. Slater tells Show to turn around and… Show knocks him out. Show sends Slater from the ring and drops Goldust with a shoulder. Goldust rolls to the floor. Truth squares up with Show but just drops to the mat. Show picks him up and chokeslams him. Fans chant “feed me more” as Ryback and Big Show approach. They go at it but Show dumps him over the top rope with one arm. Fans chant “please retire” at Show and he announces himself for the 2016 WWE Royal Rumble. Show says he will go on to win the title at WrestleMania 32 and shove it up each fan’s… Show isn’t getting in trouble. He drops the mic and makes his exit.
– Still to come, Cena returns to the ring. Back to commercial.
Big Show vs. Ryback
Back from the break and we’ve got a match. Big Show works Ryback over early on and takes control. Big Show dominates for several minutes until Ryback makes a comeback. Ryback with a missile dropkick. Ryback readies for the Meathook as fans chant “feed me more” but Show rolls out of the ring. Fans boo as Show walks away with a smile on his face. The bell rings and Ryback is announced the winner by count out.
Winner by Count Out: Ryback
– After the bell, Show looks back at Ryback as Ryback’s music hits.
– Still to come, The Usos and Ambrose vs. The League of Nations. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Cole shows us the photo of the custom WWE bed rapper Fabolous had made for his son, which we posted here on the site this morning.
Dean Ambrose and The Usos vs. King Barrett, Rusev and Sheamus
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens to a pop. The Usos are out next with their Tag Team of the Year Slammy Awards. King Barrett, Sheamus and Rusev are out next. No Lana. Sheamus takes the mic as they walk to the ring and says everyone should be ashamed for cheering Mr. McMahon’s arrest. Sheamus says Vince given fans hours of entertainment and put smiles on their faces. He says Vince is a national treasure and in honor of Mr. McMahon, The League of Nations will lay down the greatest beatdown on Ambrose and The Usos.
Jimmy Uso starts off with Sheamus and they go at it. Sheamus takes Uso down with a headlock. More back and forth as Jey Uso comes in. Rusev also gets taken out on the double team. Ambrose tags in with a missile dropkick. The League regroups on the floor. They continue stalling until Ambrose comes after Sheamus and brings him in. Ambrose unloads on Sheamus and stomps away. Uso tags in and keeps control of Sheamus. Sheamus fights back with boots in the corner and in comes Rusev. Rusev ends up tossing Jimmy Uso across the ring and he sells a leg injury. Rusev starts dropping elbows on the leg as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and The League still has Jimmy Uso in their corner. Sheamus gets in cheap shots while the referee is distracted. Rusev works Uso over and keeps focus on his leg. Rusev with a single crab now. Uso rolls out of the way and avoids an elbow drop. Sheamus comes back in and keeps control of Uso as “this is boring” chants start. Uso fights back and drops Sheamus with a kick.
Ambrose tags in as does Rusev. They go at it and Ambrose unloads. Ambrose with the bulldog and clothesline, sending Rusev to the floor. Ambrose dives out and sends Rusev into the barrier. Ambrose fights Sheamus off from the apron and pulls the rope down for Uso to leap out onto Sheamus. Ambrose with swinging neckbreaker on Rusev. He goes to the top for the big elbow drop and a 2 count. Rusev blocks Dirty Deeds and hits a big kick after Barrett distracted Ambrose. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Rusev hits a big side slam on Ambrose for a 2 count. Rusev goes to the second rope but misses a splash. Jey Uso tags in and unloads on Sheamus. Uso with a Samoan Drop that sends Sheamus to the floor. Uso with the Rikishi splash and a close 2 count as Rusev breaks it up. Rusev sends Jey into the ring post and knocks Jimmy off the apron. Ambrose clotheslines Rusev to the floor and tumbles with him. Sheamus misses a Brogue on Jey. Jey nails a superkick and goes to the top. Barrett distracts him from the apron. Uso leaps but Sheamus puts his knees up. Sheamus nails a Brogue for the win.
Winners: The League of Nations
– After the match, The League makes their exit as Ambrose recovers at ringside. Kevin Owens comes from behind and throws Ambrose into the steel steps. Owens takes apart the announce table and throws Ambrose into the barrier. Owens brings steps beside the announce table and powerbombs Ambrose from them through the announce table to a pop. Owens makes his exit as officials check on Ambrose for a few minutes and he looks to be in rough shape.
– Still to come, Cena vs. Del Rio and Renee Young will have an update on Mr. McMahon. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Cole hypes The Rock’s WrestleMania 32 announcement.
– We get a look back at tonight’s segment with Reigns, the police and the McMahons. We go to the local precinct and Renee is with other members of the media. She says Vince has posted bail and they’re waiting. Hew comes out with Stephanie and one of their attorneys. Vince tells a reporter to get out of his face and they get into a SUV without saying anything else.
WWE United States Title Match: John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio
We go to the ring and out comes John Cena making his return to WWE TV for his first match since Hell In a Cell in October. Cena cuts a promo about how he defended his title but Alberto Del Rio isn’t a fighting champion. Cena reveals that Del Rio is not putting his title on the line tonight. Fans boo. WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio is out next with a mic. He’s got the rest of The League of Nations. Del Rio says he picks when he defends his title and these people don’t deserve to see a title match. More boos. Cena calls him an idiot. Cena says Del Rio is afraid he will embarrass him and take the title. Del Rio reminds Cena what happened last time. Cena says Del Rio has done nothing since then. He challenges Del Rio to a title match right now or asks if he’s just going to be a little punk bitch. The crowd pops. Del Rio says what Cena is trying won’t work. He says Cena will have a fight tonight though. Cena calls Del Rio a gutless, spineless one-hit wonder that gained a title and lost his manhood. He tells Del Rio to bring them all down. Cena drops the mic and tosses his shirt. The League talks on the ramp as Cena gets the crowd riled up. Del Rio heads to the ring by himself and talks trash to Cena. The League waits at the top of the ramp. Del Rio says he’s going to send Cena home for good by himself tonight. Del Rio says if Cena wants a title match, he’s got it. The crowd pops as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and the announcers remember Motorhead frontman Lenny Kilmister, who passed away at the age of 70 and was a close friend of Triple H’s. They lead us to a tribute video for Lemmy.
We go back to the ring for formal introductions from Tony Chimel. Del Rio strikes first with an early pin attempt. Del Rio takes Cena to the corner. Del Rio mounts Cena in the corner and dropkicks him in the back of the head for another 2 count. Del Rio continues to dominate Cena as Cena is stunned. They go to the floor and Del Rio sends Cena into the ring post. Del Rio rolls Cena back in and goes to the top. Del Rio mocks Cena and comes off the top with a takedown for another 2 count. Del Rio keeps Cena grounded now.
Del Rio misses the splash against the ropes and lands on the floor. Cena is still face down in the ring as the referee starts counting Del Rio out. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Cena starts making a comeback but Del Rio hits an enzuigiri for a 2 count. Del Rio drops knees. Del Rio goes back to the top but Cena dropkicks him out of mid-air. They run the ropes and Cena hits the shoulder tackles followed by the slam. Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle to a pop and hits it.
Del Rio slides out of the Attitude Adjustment and hits a Backstabber. Cena catches Del Rio’s leg and applies the STF. The hold is broken and Del Rio nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a close 2 count. Cena blocks the cross armbreaker and nails a tornado DDT for a close 2 count. They get up and Cena goes for the AA. Del Rio turns it into the cross armbreaker and tightens it. Cena powers up and lifts Del Rio for a powerbomb. They go on and the referee gets knocked down after an AA attempt. Del Rio taps to the STF but the referee is down on the floor. Cena goes to yell at the referee but Sheamus runs down in between them. Rusev runs in the ring and Cena turns around to a big kick. Rusev throws Del Rio on top of Cena as Sheamus rolls the referee in. Cena kicks out at 2.
Rusev holds Cena for a Brogue but Sheamus hits Rusev instead as Cena moves. Cena scoops for an AA but Del Rio nails the Backstabber for a close 2 count. Cena counters the cross armbreaker with the AA and goes for the pin but Rusev and Sheamus pull the referee out and start attacking Cena for the disqualification. Del Rio retains.
Winner by DQ: John Cena
– After the bell, Rusev and Sheamus beat Cena up as Del Rio recovers. Sheamus nails a Brogue and out comes The Usos. They go at it with Sheamus and Rusev. The League takes them out as Del Rio has recovered now. Sheamus goes out for a steel chair. Roman Reigns run down to a big pop. He spears Rusev on the floor and knocks Del Rio off the apron with a Superman punch. Reigns stares Sheamus down from the other side of the ring. They both enter the ring, Sheamus with a steel chair. Sheamus swings it but Reigns drops him with a Superman punch. Reigns hits Sheamus in the back with the chair. Reigns gets hype but
Vince comes out and says first, he’s going to sue the city of New York and if he could, he would sue each and every fan. Vince announces Sheamus vs. Reigns with the WWE World Heavyweight Title on the line for next Monday’s RAW. Vince then reveals that he will be the special referee. Vince starts saying “Happy New Year” over and over, and that’s how RAW goes off the air.