– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look at recent happenings with The Shield, Braun Strowman, The Bar and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz.
Angle says we are not having the 3-on-4 match tonight, save it for Sunday. He mentions tonight’s Steel Cage match and the RAW Tag Team Title match with The Bar getting a shot, then announces that tonight’s RAW will make history, oh it’s true… it’s damn true. Angle’s music hits as the heels stare The Shield down from the stage.
Elias, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Titus O’Neil, Apollo Crews and Jason Jordan
Elias is in the ring with Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson. They all do some singing with Gallows singing about nerd Jason Jordan. Jordan’s music interrupts and out he comes with Titus O’Neil & Apollo Crews.
Gallows starts off with Titus and ends up beating him into the corner. Titus fights back and overpowers Gallows. Gallows floors Crews and then hits him with a cheap shot. Elias tags in and works over Crews for a 2 count.
Jordan takes Anderson into the corner, to another corner and then back to the first. Jordan keeps control and hits a belly-to-belly but Elias breaks the pin.
Titus and Gallows come in with big boots. Jordan ends up taking out Anderson and Gallows out with spears. Crews follows up with a sitdown powerbomb on Anderson for the pin.
Winners: Jason Jordan, Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews
– After the match, Titus Worldwide and Jason Jordan stand tall in the ring.
Cedric Alexander vs. Jack Gallagher
We go to the ring and out comes Cedric Alexander. Jack Gallagher is out with Brian Kendrick.
The music hits and out comes Rich Swann to stand in Cedric’s corner. A tag match is announced for TLC on Sunday.
Cedric takes control early on, avoiding a distraction from Kendrick. Gallagher ends up turning it around and working Cedric over thanks to Kendrick. Gallagher controls most of the match. Kendrick gets involved again but Swann takes him out on the floor. This leads to Cedric hitting the Lumbar Check on Gallagher for the pin.
Winner: Cedric Alexander
– After the match, Swann and Cedric stand tall in the ring.
Sasha Banks vs. Alicia Fox
Sasha Banks comes out as Alicia Fox waits.
Sasha drops Fox as the bell hits and immediately goes into the Banks Statement but Fox makes it to the rope. Fox tries to retreat again and catches Sasha over the top rope. Fox with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a 2 count.
Fox keeps control until Sasha looks to make a comeback. Fox kicks out and nails an elbow. Fox with more offense before keeping Sasha grounded. Sasha ends up getting the win with the Banks Statement.
Winner: Sasha Banks
– After the match, Sasha celebrates and leaves while Fox throws a fit in the ring and refuses to leave.
RAW Tag Team Title Match: The Bar vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
RAW Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose come out. Cesaro and Sheamus are out next. Ambrose starts things off with Sheamus. Cesaro mocks Ambrose with a set of Shield dog tags.
Ambrose runs into a kick as Sheamus turns it around. Ambrose fights back and tags in Rollins for some double teaming. Rollins and Ambrose launch over the top and take out their opponents on the floor.
Rollins brings Sheamus back in. Rollins goes to the top but has to kick Cesaro away. Rollins comes off the top but Sheamus catches him. This leads to Cesaro taking out Rollins with a clothesline from the apron as the referee was distracted with Sheamus.
Sheamus nails the Irish Curse backbreaker for a pin attempt. Cesaro tags in for some double teaming in the corner. Cesaro covers for a 2 count. Cesaro takes his time with Rollins now. Rollins tries to take Cesaro back to the corner for a tag. Fans chant for Ambrose as he is still down off the apron. Rollins makes a comeback and dumps Cesaro to the floor. Ambrose is reaching for the tag now. Cesaro comes back in but Rollins counters and tags in Ambrose.
Ambrose gets the hot tag and unloads on Cesaro. He jumps on top instead and comes back down. Cesaro ends up countering Dirty Deeds. Ambrose follows up and takes out Cesaro on the floor. Ambrose goes to the top after Cesaro is brought back in. Ambrose with the big elbow on Cesaro as Sheamus breaks the pin.
Sheamus tags in for the big double team but they struggle with Ambrose. They drop Ambrose but Rollins breaks the pin. Cesaro catches a Rollins kick and uppercuts him down. Cesaro tags in to be the legal man. They try to double team Ambrose again but Rollins makes the save. Ambrose ends up hitting Dirty Deeds on Cesaro for the pin.
Winners: Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose
– After the match, Rollins and Ambrose stand tall with the titles as we see the cage hanging high.
Emma and Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James and Bayley
Emma comes out. Her partner RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss is out next. Mickie James is out first for her team. Her partner is Bayley.
Emma and Mickie lock up and go at it. Mickie ends up tagging Bayley in. Bayley gets the upperhand on Bliss and covers for a 2 count. Emma breaks the pin. All four 4 Superstars end up on the floor, yelling and shoving.
Emma has control of Bayley. Bayley turns it around but in comes Bliss to keep Bayley down. Mickie finally gets the hot tag and unloads on both opponents.
Mickie with a neckbreaker on Bliss. Bliss counters a kick and decks Mickie. Bliss with some trash talking. Mickie goes to the top for the Thesz Press. Bliss kicks out at 2 as Emma breaks it up. Bayley comes in and takes out Emma, kicking her to the floor. Bliss drops Bayley from behind and yells at her to get out of the ring. Bliss turns around to Mickie catching her in the face with a Mick Kick. Mickie covers for the pin.
Winners: Mickie James and Bayley
– After the match, Mickie’s music hits as she helps Bayley up. Mickie talks trash to Bliss as we go to replays. Mickie and Bayley stand tall as the heels head to the back.
Steel Cage Match: Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns
Braun Strowman makes his way out for tonight’s main event. Roman Reigns is out next as we see more highlights from recent events.
They go at it with Reigns unloading to start. Braun turns it around. More back and forth. Reigns takes Braun into the corner and beats on Braun as fans count along. Braun ends up catching Reigns and driving him to the mat for a close 2 count. We go to commercial with Braun in control.
Back from the break and Braun remains in control, driving Reigns into the steel. Braun sends Reigns into the steel again and laughs. Braun charges but Reigns moves and he hits the steel hard. More back and forth now. Reigns hits a big Samoan Drop.
Reigns starts climbing the cage but Cesaro and Sheamus climb up to meet him. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose run down to pull them off the cage. The Bar looks to take out Rollins and Ambrose at ringside Ambrose sends Sheamus over the barrier. Reigns is over the top of the cage now. Braun climbs up and grabs Reigns’ wrist. Braun pulls Reigns back over and nails a big superplex from the top of the cage. A “holy s–t” chant breaks out while they’re both down now.
Reigns kicks out at 2. The fight on the outside continues and goes up to the stage where the tables, ladders and chairs are. The Miz gets up from commentary as the tag team brawl goes into the backstage area. Cameras follow. Rollins uses a steel chair on Cesaro as Ambrose drops Sheamus with a chair. Miz appears and closes a door, shutting the two tag teams in another room to keep them away from the ring.
We go back to the cage as the match continues. The Miz has returned to commentary. Reigns starts to climb the cage again but Braun stops him. Braun headbutts Reigns to the mat. Braun gets crotched on the top rope. Reigns nails a Superman Punch while he’s stuck but Braun is still up. Reigns with a second Superman Punch to send Braun to the mat. Braun gets up and blocks a spear but Reigns counters and drops him for a close 2 count. They go on and the lights go red, the music hits and it looks like Kane is returning. Braun decks Reigns and takes advantage of the distraction. Reigns spears Braun. Kane comes from up under the ring for a big pop.
Reigns can’t believe it. Kane stares Reigns down. Kane delivers chokeslams to Reigns in the middle of the ring. Braun with a big slam on Reigns. Kane with a Tombstone piledriver on Reigns now. Braun drops his straps and scoops Reigns for a running powerslam. Braun covers for the win.
Winner: Braun Strowman
– After the match, Braun stands tall with Kane right behind him, standing over Reigns. Braun’s music hits as Reigns tries to recover. The Miz climbs a ladder on the stage and announces that Kane is the fifth member of their team at TLC. Kane’s music hits and they stand tall as RAW goes off the air.