– Tonight’s WWE RAW from Pittsburgh opens with Michael Cole, JBL and Byron Saxton on commentary.
– We go right to the ring as WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day make their way out.
Confetti falls from the rafters as they make their way out. The ring has a red apron cover. They’re having a celebration, a gala, a jubilee tonight. Big E talks about a new era and they introduce WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. Sheamus comes out in a suit as more confetti falls and The New Day celebrates his title win.
Sheamus thanks them for the introduction and the “you look stupid” chants start. Sheamus says the only ones that look stupid tonight are the fans. Sheamus gives props to The New Day and thanks The Authority. Sheamus also wants to thank Roman Reigns for the opportunity. Some fans boo his name. They make jokes on Reigns’ short 5 minutes and 15 second title reign. They pose and dance together as Xavier Woods plays the trombone. They go on joking around and Sheamus says we can forget about Austin 3:16 because Sheamus 5:15 says he just whooped your ass. Sheamus laughs as his music hits and a bunch of pyro goes off. Sheamus turns around from posing on the turnbuckle and gets hit with a big Superman punch by Reigns. Reigns picks up the WWE World Heavyweight Title belt and leaves with it as his music hits and Sheamus recovers in the ring. Reigns raises the title on the stage and laughs at Sheamus as we go to commercial.
– Back from the break and we get replays of what just happened. We see Reigns backstage showing the title off to The Usos and Dean Ambrose. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walk up. Triple H wants the title but he says it looks good where it’s at. Stephanie says they’re not in the mood tonight and tells Reigns to cut the crap. Triple H holds his hand out but Reigns hands it to Stephanie. Reigns says he’s taking it back from Magic Mohawk in two weeks. Triple H says Sheamus just informed him he doesn’t want to wait until TLC, he wants to defend the title against Reigns tonight. That sounds good to Reigns and the match is on. They wish Reigns good luck and walk off. Stephanie stops and says in order for him to win the title, he has to beat Sheamus within 5 minutes and 15 seconds.
Tyler Breeze vs. Dolph Ziggler
We go back to the ring and Tyler Breeze is making his way out with Summer Rae. Dolph Ziggler is out next.
They go at it and Ziggler takes control with early pin attempts. Breeze drops Ziggler with a shoulder and they run the ropes. Breeze with a dropkick for a 2 count. Breeze has words with the referee before working Ziggler over in the corner. Breeze keeps control and hits a leg drop for 2. Ziggler tries to fight back but gets cut off. Ziggler charges in the corner but misses and hits the ring post hard. Ziggler falls to the floor as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Breeze is still in control. Ziggler fights back and hits a pair of clotheslines. Ziggler with a splash in the corner and a swinging neckbreaker. Ziggler with an elbow drop for a 2 count. Ziggler calls for Sweet Chin Music. More back and forth as Breeze blocks the Fame-asser and hits a kick to the back of the head for a 2 count. Breeze with more offense and another 2 count. Breeze drops Ziggler on his bad shoulder for another pin attempt.
Ziggler ends up countering the Unprettier with a backslide for 2. Several counters and pin attempts. Breeze runs into a big superkick and Ziggler covers for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
– After the match, Ziggler makes his exit and smiles from the stage as Summer tends to Breeze.
– We see Lana and Rusev backstage. Cole talks about their real-life engagement and they will be on MizTV next. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Rusev is in the ring with The Miz for another episode of MizTV. Fans start chanting USA and Rusev isn’t happy. Miz brings up Rusev watching the WWE World Heavyweight Title tournament from home as he was injured. Fans start chanting for Lana. Rusev says everyone wants Lana but she is his. He tells everyone to shut up. He complains about fans not sending him get well wishes while he was laid up but says Lana did nurse him back to good health. He introduces Lana and out she comes with her old look.
Miz can’t believe his eyes, Lana and Rusev in the same place at the same time. Lana says the engagement was the happiest day of her life. Miz says this is something, after all the insults they traded. He says Rusev essentially made Summer Rae into Lana 2.0. Miz apologizes and asks what brought them back together. Lana says they fight hard but love harder. She says they both ventured out to see what there was but came back to each other. She says for the record, she never went all the way with Ziggler. Fans chant “yes you did” and she says no, her heart only belongs to Rusev. She calls him her Bulgarian sunshine. Rusev says he didn’t go all the way with Summer either. Another “yes you did” chant starts. Rusev says he broke her heart but that’s it. Rusev says from now on, he’s not only breaking spirits in the ring, he’s breaking bodies. But when he steps out of the ring, his heart only belongs to Lana. They start kissing and are interrupted by Ryback, who talks trash ahead of their match. We go to commercial with a “feed me more” chant.
Rusev vs. Ryback
Back from the break and they’re going at it as Lana looks on. Ryback takes control and hits the Thesz Press. He slam Rusv’s head into the mat. Ryback keeps control and hits a missile dropkick. They end up on the floor and Ryback sends Rusev into the barrier. Rusev fights back but gets sent into the steel steps, causing Lana to get knocked down. Rusev gets counted out after checking on Lana.
Winner By Count Out: Ryback
– After the bell, Rusev helps Lana up and stops to yell back at Rusev. Rusev is blaming Ryback for what happened to Lana.
– We see Triple H backstage texting someone when Dean Ambrose walks up. Triple H wanted to see him to congratulate him on becoming #1 contender to the WWE Intercontinental Title, earning a shot at TLC. Ambrose is skeptical that’s it. Triple H says if Reigns doesn’t beat Sheamus in 5 minutes and 15 seconds tonight, Ambrose will lose his TLC title shot. Triple H says Reigns needs to realize that the choices he makes also affect his friends.
– We go to the ring and out come The Dudley Boyz with tables. We go to commercial.
– Back from the break and Bubba Ray Dudley talks about how The Wyatt Family left them laying on RAW and SmackDown last week. He says they didn’t get the job done as he and Devon are still standing. They’re ready to fight and The Wyatts put a bulls-eye on their own backs. They take black covers off four tables that were leaning against the ropes and they have Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper’s names on them. Devon cuts a quick promo and Bubba calls The Wyatts to the ring to fight. The lights go out and here they come as the arena lights up with screens.
The Wyatts stop on the stage and Wyatt accepts the challenge. He says The Dudleyz should be more careful about inviting the devil to their backyard as he might want to stay. The lights go out again. Strowman, Harper and Rowan are now at ringside. The Dudleyz say they have their own family and out comes Tommy Dreamer with a trash can full of weapons to a big pop. The Wyatts surround the ring but get knocked off the apron with weapons as fans chant “this is awesome.” Wyatt regroups them and yells at the babyfaces as we go to commercial.
Erick Rowan, Braun Strowman and Luke Harper vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Dudley Boyz
Back from the break and we’ve got a match made by The Authority. Devon is getting worked over by Rowan and then Harper. He kicks Harper and tags in Bubba for a double team. Dreamer tags in and goes to work on Harper. Harper blocks a DDT. Dreamer nails Rowan on the apron. Harper with a side slam on Dreamer. Strowman comes in to take over now.
The Wyatts keep Dreamer down in their corner as Bray looks on. Bubba finally gets a hot tag and unloads on Harper. Rowan breaks up a close 2 count as a big brawl breaks out. The official calls for the bell as all six men continue brawling. Strowman chokes out Dreamer and The Dudleyz are also laid out. Bray mocks The Dudleyz and calls for the tables to be brought in the ring. Bubba ends up knocking Wyatt off the apron through a table that was at ringside, before The Wyatts could do any damage. The ECW Originals make their exit as The Wyatts pitch a fit and intimidate the announcers.
– We get a look back at tonight’s opening segment as the announcers hype the main event. Back to commercial.
Goldust vs. Alberto Del Rio
Back from the break and Goldust is making his entrance. WWE United States Champion Alberto Del Rio is out next with Zeb Colter.
Zeb cuts a quick promo at ringside before Del Rio hits the ring with the mic. He tells Goldust he’s out of date and full of hate. Goldust cuts him off with a big right hand. The referee separates them and we get the bell. Del Rio strikes first and beats Goldust down in the corner. Del Rio mounts Goldust with right hands in the corner. Goldust goes on and hits a big DDT for a 2 count. Del Rio with a chinlock now.
Goldust fights back and hits the powerslam for a 2 count. Goldust with a spinebuster for another 2 count as Zeb looks on from his hate-free zone. Goldust gets caught up in the corner and kicked in the back. Del Rio hangs him from the second rope and hits the big stomp to the chest for the quick win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
– After the match, Jack Swagger ends up running out and sending Del Rio retreating. They have a staredown as Swagger’s music plays.
– Becky Lynch approaches Charlotte backstage. Becky wants a singles match so they can show everyone what they came to do, a non-title match to show the fans that there’s a world out there beyond Paige. Becky just wants to have fun like they did in NXT. Charlotte agrees and mentions Ric Flair is in town, so he will be there. Flair appears with whooo’s and Becky leaves on good terms.
#1 Contenders Match: The Lucha Dragons vs. The Usos
We go to the ring and out comes Sin Cara and Kalisto. Lilian Garcia announces that this is a #1 contenders match. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and The New Day is out for commentary. The Usos are out next to face The Lucha Dragons.
Kalisto starts off with Jey Uso and they go at it. Kalisto with a kick to the head and a 2 count. Jimmy Uso tags in for some double teaming and a 2 count. Kalisto keeps control and in comes Cara for some double teaming. Uso ends up on the outside and Kalisto gets launched onto him. Jey then dives out onto Kalisto and knocks his head into the announce table. Cara leaps out onto Uso next. Cara brings it back in the ring but The New Day runs in and attacks them for the double disqualification. The New Day retreats to the stage and brag about there being no new #1 contender so they have no opponents for TLC.
– We see Team BAD walking backstage. Back to commercial.
– Back from the break and Stephanie McMahon is with The Usos and The Lucha Dragons. She puts them in a Triple Threat for the titles at TLC. The Usos are in the match only if Reigns beats Sheamus tonight.
Sasha Banks vs. Brie Bella
We go to the ring and Brie Bella waits with Alicia Fox as Cole goes over some Twitter drama that set this next match up. Sasha Banks, Tamina Snuka and Naomi are out next as we get a sidebar video from the group. Back and forth to start. Sasha takes control and taunts Brie. Tamina and Naomi take out Alicia at ringside with a double team. Brie takes advantage of the distracted and attacks Sheamus. Sasha turns it back around for a 2 count as a referee helps Alicia to the back. Sasha works Brie over in the corner now.
Sasha with another 2 count as she keeps Brie grounded now. Brie makes another comeback and unloads with kicks as fans chant “yes!” with her. Naomi gets on the apron but gets knocked off. Tamina gets on the other side of the ring and Sasha takes advantage of he distraction, hitting the Banks Statement for the win.
Winner: Sasha Banks
– After the match, Team BAD celebrates in the ring.
– Roman Reigns is backstage warming up when The Usos and Dean Ambrose come in to hype him up. They need him to win so they keep their title shots. Reigns walks off as we go to commercial.
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus
Back from the break and out comes Roman Reigns. He must win this match in under 5 minutes and 15 seconds to win the title. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus is out next with his title and a Sheamus 5:15 t-shirt. We get formal ring introductions from Lilian.
We get a countdown clock on the big screen. They go at it as Reigns starts going for pin attempts. Sheamus takes control and brings Reigns to the floor for more punishment. Sheamus brings it back in for a 2 count. Sheamus keeps Reigns grounded now. Reigns comes back and gets 1 count. Reigns with a clothesline in the corner and a big boot for a 2 count. Sheamus rolls to the floor but Reigns follows and brings him back in. Reigns with a Samoan Drop for a 2 count. Reigns readies for a Superman punch with 2:08 left. Sheamus rolls to the floor again. Reigns follows but Sheamus pushes him into the barrier and tosses him over the announce table.
Reigns recovers and sends Sheamus into the ring post. He breaks the referee’s count and goes back to try and bring Sheamus in. He finally gets Sheamus back in with 55 seconds left. Reigns readies for a spear but Rusev pulls him out of the ring for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Roman Reigns
– While Rusev is pulling Reigns out, Rusev and Alberto Del Rio are pulling Sheamus to safety. Sheamus puts an arm around Lilian, who looks legitimately freaked out, and announces himself still the champion. Sheamus introduces his friends – The League of Nations. King Barrett from the UK, United States Champion Alberto Del Rio from Mexico and Rusev from Bulgaria. They celebrate at ringside until The Usos and Ambrose run down to stand beside Reigns. Reigns says he wants just Sheamus and gets his friends to go to ringside. Sheamus gets on the apron and Reigns knocked him right off with a big right hand. Reigns has words as The League of Nations hold Sheamus back.
– We see Charlotte and Ric Flair backstage walking. We get a WWE Shop Cyber Monday promo with The New Day.
– Back from the break and we see some of the Pittsburgh Steelers at ringside.
Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch
Paige is out for commentary first. WWE Divas Champion Charlotte is out next with her dad Ric Flair for this non-title match. Becky Lynch makes her way out next.
They do a “pinkie swear” to start the match before locking up. They trade holds to start as we see Team BAD backstage watching and eating popcorn. Charlotte goes for the Figure Four after several reversals. Becky kicks her away and we get a stalemate. Flair is loving it at ringside. They lock back up and go back to trading holds on the mat.
Charlotte tosses Becky around the ring with the head scissors and motions for her to bring it. Charlotte with chops now. Becky blocks her and nails a few uppercuts. Becky with a springboard kick in the corner. Becky charges but Charlotte takes her down for a 2 count. Becky with arm drags. Charlotte goes down on her ankle coming out of the corner. Flair gets on the apron to talk to Becky. It was a ruse as Charlotte bounces back up and takes advantage of the distraction to get the roll up on Becky.
Winner: Charlotte
– After the bell, Charlotte goes to the ramp with her dad and the title. Becky is shocked and looks on in disbelief.
– Cole announces The Usos, Reigns and Ambrose vs. Del Rio, Barrett, Rusev and Sheamus in tonight’s main event. Back to commercial.
– We come back and Becky runs up on Charlotte backstage. Becky accuses Charlotte of cheating. Charlotte denies it and says she just lured Becky in. Charlotte says this isn’t NXT, she’s just trying to get Becky to step up and she’s just trying to teach her a valuable lesson. Charlotte calls it tough love and says they’re still girls. She’s just trying to help Becky see the bigger picture. Charlotte walks off and Paige walks up. She says she’s sorry about the match but at least their friendship is alright, right?
– We go to Adam Rose backstage for a gossip-style segment called The Rosebush. He talks about Lana and Rusev, Dolph Ziggler and Summer Rae.
– Stardust is backstage in his “star room” with a promo. He asks for The Ascension to rise but Titus O’Neil in a Santa hat appears behind him instead. Titus sends Stardust away and barks some holiday cheer.
The Usos, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus, King Barrett, Rusev, Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods
Back from the break and Roman Reigns waits in the ring with The Usos and Dean Ambrose. The League of Nations is out next, led by WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day interrupt and say certain officials have let them be on Sheamus’ team. Ambrose starts off with Kofi and they go at it. Reigns with an early tag and some offense. Jimmy Uso comes in as does Xavier Woods soon after. Woods works Uso over. The Usos turn it back around and do the New Day stomp on their opponents. We go to commercial with the heels regrouping on the floor.
Back from the break and Uso is going at it with Woods. Uso lands on his ankle coming off the top and may have tweaked it. Woods takes advantage and superkicks him for a 2 count. Rusev comes in and unloads on the injured leg of Uso. Del Rio is in next as they continue to work on Uso’s leg.
Del Rio with a big shot off the top and a 2 count on Uso. Sheamus comes in next and keeps control. Jimmy Uso finally catches Kofi coming off the top rope. Jey Uso tags in and unloads on Kofi. Big E ends up getting in a cheap shot as the referee was distracted and Uso gets knocked to the floor. We hear him complaining about his knee as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Jey Uso is getting beat down in the corner. Apparently Jimmy has been taken away with the knee injury. Kofi with a 2 count. Uso finally tags in Reigns as Woods also tags in. Reigns unloads and knocks Barrett off the apron. Reigns with a bunch of big blows on Woods in the corner. Sheamus taunts Reigns. Reigns chases him around the ring but takes out Kofi and Woods instead. Del Rio attacks from behind and throws Reigns into the barrier. Rusev rams Reigns into the barrier and rolls him back in the ring. Rusev stomps and drops a big headbutt for a 2 count.
Sheamus comes back in and works Reigns over. Sheamus with a knee drop from the top for a 2 count. Big E tags in and keeps control of Reigns with a belly-to-belly suplex for a 2 count. Ambrose has words with Big E. Big E with an abdominal stretch on Reigns. Del Rio comes back in for more offense on Reigns. Fans chant for Ambrose as Del Rio hits a Backstabber on Reigns for a 2 count. Ambrose tags in with Sheamus and unloads. He also decks everyone on the apron. Ambrose with a running bulldog on Sheamus. He comes off the top but rolls through. Back and forth now. Ambrose with the big rebound clothesline for a pop. He takes Woods out and leaps out onto several other opponents. He dumps Sheamus over the top and then dives out onto him. Ambrose with the elbow drop on Sheamus for a 2 count as Rusev breaks it up. Uso takes Rusev out with a superkick. Del Rio with a superkick on Uso. Reigns with a Superman punch on Del Rio. Reigns runs around the ring with a Superman punch on Big E. Ambrose and Sheamus end up in the ring. Sheamus nails a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winners: The New Day, Sheamus, King Barrett, Rusev and Alberto Del Rio
– After the match, Rusev attacks Ambrose and Reigns comes in for the save. They beat down Reigns and Sheamus drops him with a Brogue. The New Day poses with their titles as Sheamus is lifted up by Barrett, Rusev and Del Rio. RAW goes off the air with the heels standing tall.