
Booker T On Cody v Dustin From Double Or Nothing & Whether Blood Has A Place In Today’s Product


In the latest episode of “The Hall of Fame Podcast With Booker T”, Booker discussed the match between Cody Rhodes and Dustin Runnels at Double or Nothing. He loved the match and used it to discuss the place that blood can and should have in today’s product. Here are the highlights:

On If Blood Should Be Used In Matches:

If there is blood, people are going to tune in’. For Pay-Per-view you can step outside the box, be a bit edgier. That is why it is called Pay-Per-View because you are going to see more than you do on television, It’s bigger. Something like that is needed for the business.

Kids are going to see it. They said stuff like that would happen more on Pay-Per-View. If you are going to do that there is a place for it. If there is blood and you curse, it makes it a little bit more real.

On Cody V. Dustin:

It was a bloodbath, they did everything. It was like a 1980’s match. Goldie at 50 years old doesn’t look like he missed a beat. He stepped away from this game and time off is your worst enemy, Goldie has never taken time off. How many times have you seen two brothers just go out there and fight, say were going to do it and just do it now? They did an angle where they had the fight and right after say we are going to tag in the next one. For those guys to be able to go out there and bring that style of wrestling back was great.

You can listen to the interview below:

Credit: Hall Of Fame Podcast With Booker T. H/T WrestlingInc.

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