
Cesaro On His Favorite Cities, Working With Wrestlers In The Gym


Cesaro was recently interviewed by Josiah Williams at the WWE Performance Center. During the interview, he talked about his favorite cities to visit as well as how he helps other wrestlers in the gym. Here are the highlights:

On His Favorite Cities:

Extremely hard questions, because there are so many cities that are just awesome with the great energy. You know, name all of the big ones that you would think in the United States, you know, Boston, L.A., New York, Chicago, I could go on and on. Tokyo, Japan, always an awesome city, Melbourne, Australia…we were in Santiago, Chile, which was absolutely amazing … and I think the more we go overseas, the more exotic places we go to, they just have such crazy energy.

On Helping Wrestlers In The Gym:

If I see people, people I know for a long time that have been on the indies or whatever, they ask me, I give advice. If people seek me out that’s cool, but I’m not the guy that’s waltzing in there like ‘Oh let me tell you something, this is how you do stuff,’ like I feel like people need to learn and grow for themselves, that’s how you learn. But if you would like my opinion, then I’ll share it with you.

You can listen to the interview below:

Credit: WWE. H/T Wrestlezone.

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