
Charlotte Flair On Who She Thinks The Next Breakout Women’s Star Will Be & More


Charlotte Flair recently sat down with “Smacktalks” for an interview. During the interview, she revealed that she thinks Nikki Cross will be the next big breakout star in the women’s division. Here are the highlights:

On Becky Making The Cover For WWE 2K20:

Oh, I could not be any more ecstatic for her. I mean, it’s a great way to close out the incredible year that she had. Being on the cover was only fitting, especially with the WrestleMania moment that she had.

On What’s Next For The Women’s Evolution:

I think just continuing the momentum and headlining WrestleMania again, and just proving that it wasn’t just a one-year thing or a fluke. It’s, you know, that women can continue to deliver like this at high levels. And I think it’s just gonna take a couple of years to show that. You know, maybe we won’t main event this year, but it’ll happen again.

On The Next Breakout Star In The Women’s Division:

Ooh. Well, I’m expecting big things from Nikki Cross. I’m a huge fan of hers. I know she’s been on the main roster, Raw and Smackdown for a few months now, maybe a year, I’m not really sure. But it takes time and I think she’s gonna have that breakout moment soon, and I’m 100% behind her. I think from NXT, Bianca Belar just has it, like she doesn’t have to try. She just has this natural swag. She’s a star and that’s the one thing you can’t teach. You can teach someone how to wrestle, you can come up with a character, but whether you have it or not, that’s on you and she has it. So I think she’s the next big thing.

You can listen to the interview below:

Credit: Smacktalks. H/T 411Mania.

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