
Jim Ross On The WWE Changing Course On Lex Luger Being The New Hulk Hogan


During a recent episode of Grilling JR, Jim Ross discussed why he thinks the WWE changed their mind on making Lex Luger the new Hulk Hogan. Here’s what he had to say:

I think the plan was eventually to get the title on Luger so he could be the new Hogan. That seemed like the direction we were headed. Somewhere along the way – isn’t it interesting the timeline, you’re talking about this whole Luger thing evolving on July 4 and the bloom was off the rose not that much later. People have gotta give McMahon credit. He can see things and sense things and he had Pat and Bruce around him to say ‘Look, he’s not getting over’ or the agent reports…….and I think the agent reports just weren’t good. They consistently weren’t good. So you’ve gotta make the decision if you’re gonna fish or cut bait. In that situation, we cut bait.

You can listen HERE.

Credit: Grilling JR. H/T 411Mania.

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