
Kurt Angle On If He Thinks AEW Will Succeed, His Dream Job Growing Up & More


During his most recent Facebook Q&A, Kurt Angle gave an assessment on how well he thinks AEW will do, as well as revealed his dream job growing up. Here are the highlights:

On How Successful He ThinkS AEW Can Be:

AEW will do very well. BUT, it’s not WWE. WWE is a monster. It will be fun to see how this pans out. I’ve seen companies in the past attempt to make a run against WWE. WCW was actually neck and neck. TNA was not able to compare, but they had a great run with amazing talent, and TNA was a solid #2. AEW has some amazing talent as well, but WWE is so global, I don’t think anyone will catch them. That’s my opinion and I could be wrong.

On His Dream Job Growing Up:

I never thought about it as a kid. Probably because deep down inside, I knew what I truly wanted since I was 6 years old…to become a world-class athlete. I accomplished that, and more. Winning the Olympic gold medal was my priority for 20 years. THAT was my dream job. Making money didn’t matter to me. I wanted to do something that hardly anyone else could accomplish. I was relentless and patient, not to mention I trained my ass off (which is probably why I despise training every day now… although I still do it).

On His Gimmick Of Being A “Wrestling Machine”:

It was my favorite character. I played the cheating heel, the nerd heel, and the White Meat baby face, but the Wrestling Machine fit me better than any of them. I was the best wrestler in the world from 2002-6. I knew that. I was literally a “wrestling machine”. And it worked.

On Who He Would Have Liked To Face In His Final Match:

I would have picked a veteran. Cena, HHH, Brock, Shawn Michaels. But, I’m not the boss. Lol.

On His Low Point With Drug Abuse:

When I got charged with my 4th DUI. That was it. Denial was no longer an option. I look back now and think, “what took me so long to get help?”. I’m ashamed of the many things I’ve done, but I can’t regret it, because I got clean and I’m staying clean. My past is now part of who I am. I’m a great husband, great father, and loyal Christian. I have many beautiful things in my life that are valuable to me, especially my kids. Clean is the only option.

You can read the full Facebook Q&A below:

Hey guys, time for a Q&A. Post your qs below and I'll be back later to answer a few for you.

Posted by Kurt Angle on Friday, May 31, 2019


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