
Lawsuit Between CM Punk and Colt Cabana Officially Over


The ongoing lawsuit between CM Punk and Colt Cabana is finally at an end.

The Circuit Court of Cook County Illinois dismissed their case with prejudice on September 26th, with reports that no financial settlement was made, and that Punk and Cabana jointly filed it to be dismissed. Neither man will be able to legally file another lawsuit with the other over this issue.

Circuit Court Judge Daniel J. Kubiask noted in his filing of the case the following statement:

Having examined said stipulation and being fully advised in the premises, finds that this cause of action has been fully compromised and settled and the parties have stipulated and agreed to the dismissal of the complaint with prejudice, and the court further finds that all costs have been paid.
According to documents filed with the Circuit Court of Cook County on 9/26 in Illinois, the lawsuits filed by Ring of Honor star Scott “Colt Cabana” Colton and former WWE Champion Phil “CM Punk” Brooks against each other were dismissed with prejudice.

Following their duel lawsuit against physician Dr. Chris Amann for comments made on their now historic Art of Wrestling podcast regarding Punk’s medical care in WWE, the childhood friends began legal proceedings against each other after Punk’s lawyers pulled out as Cabana’s representation during the Amann case.

Cabana announced back in July that the Art of Wrestling is coming to an end after nine years.

(H/T PW Insider)

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