
Ryback On Velveteen Dream Recently Defending Vince McMahon


During a recent episode of “Conversations With The Big Guy”, Ryback discussed the comments made by Velveteen Dream defending Vince McMahon and the WWE creative process. Ryback believes that Velveteen Dream is either naive or trying to position himself for a call up to the main roster. Here is what Ryback had to say:

I actually heard Velveteen Dream made a remark on the talent and I get what he is doing. He desperately wants to get called up to the main roster and wants to get out of developmental. Oftentimes, guys will try to kiss Vince McMahon’s a** to try to do that, it’s just the way that it is. Guys do media – Vince McMahon is a genius and a wizard. They say these things because they want to get called up; they want to make big money and they want to get out of developmental. That is the truth of the situation, or he is naïve. He doesn’t understand how it works yet; it’s not the talent. The talent has always been there.

If Velveteen Dream shows up to Raw and they go, ‘Velveteen, you’re going to go out on Superstars. We’re not going to give you an entrance. You’re not going to do any s***. You’re going to put this guy over and you’re not going to do anything cool. We don’t want you showing off and if you do, you’re going to be pulled and will be sitting in catering for a year and then we are going to fire you.’ You’re not going to get over, so that will be a rude awakening if he doesn’t know how the creative process works. He probably already does; he is a smart guy. I feel like he does know it but he is just trying to get called up, which I commend. You gotta do what you gotta do to get called up.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Conversations With The Big Guy. H/T 411Mania.

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