
Steve Austin On Why Wrestlers Need To Be Thinking About Life After WWE


Steve Austin was recently a guest on “Dale Jr. Download”. During the podcast, he discussed how much he struggled during the three years after he first left the WWE and why wrestlers should learn from his experience and plan for life after WWE. He also discussed the difficulty of current superstars with their promos being scripted. Here are the highlights:

On His Struggle Post WWE:

I wasted three years of my life. Had I said, ‘Hey, I’m gonna go do this!’ I’d have planned it out a lot better.

On Advice He’d Give To The Current Wrestlers:

Given the platform right now, always keep your platform and your main job in the WWE. If you’ve got some feelers out there, if you’re trying to network other things based on the fact that you’ve got a high Q-Rating or a lot of television exposure, do it! Right now, this is your bread and butter, but start planting those seeds so when you spin out of this, you come out with momentum.

On Current Stars Not Being Able To Get Away With As Much As He Did:

It’s a way more friendly setting and there’s a lot more control on television. Back in the day, I went to Brian Pillman’s house one time. I broke into his house with a baseball bat and he pulled a gun on me on Monday Night RAW. Shots were fired. There was a call from the network, there was some explaining to be done, but we’d done it. My point is, I don’t think anyone can push that envelope as hard as we did, and I really think that’s how it is.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: Dale Jr. Download. H/T Wrestlezone.

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