
The Miz Looks Back On Becoming WWE Champion: “I Can’t Tell You How Many Emotions Ran Through Me”


The Miz was recently interviewed on the Voices of Victory podcast to reminisce about his first WWE championship victory, and how he longs to have that feeling once again in his career. Check out highlights below.

On people telling him that he would never become a main eventer:

Everyone was telling me I would never get it. Imagine coming into a career that you’ve always dreamed of, and everyone is telling you that you’ll be gone in three months and won’t make it, that you just don’t have the ‘it’ factor. I just kept going at it. I was a guy that kicked out of the locker room because people said I had a big mouth. Obviously, my big mouth has paid off dividends.

How he felt when he won the WWE championship from Randy Orton:

When I won my first WWE Championship against Randy Orton, I can’t tell you how many emotions ran through me. There was excitement at first like, ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe this happened!’ Then there was a knot in my throat, and all this was happening in a matter of seconds. You have this immense excitement and then you think about everything you’ve gone through to get there and everyone that’s helped you, and you almost get teary-eyed, and then you realize you’re on national television, so you don’t want to be crying, and you try to hold it in. I had to over-exude myself to make sure that didn’t happen, but there have been very few moments in my life that I’ve had that feeling. I want to have that feeling again.

Full interview can be heard here. (H/T and transcribed by Wrestling Inc.)

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