
Titus O’Neil Comments on Lars Sullivan Apologizing to His Co-Workers, Vince McMahon Taking Action


Titus O’Neil took to Twitter today and revealed that he and other WWE Superstars on the roster have received personal apologies from Lars Sullivan for the controversial comments he made on an online message board years ago, some made since he signed with the company.

Titus applauded Lars for reaching out to his co-workers, and he also thanked Vince McMahon for taking action.

Titus wrote, “@LarsSWWE I Applaud you for seeking out myself&Others on the @WWE Roster to not only Sincerely Apologize, But also seek Guidance as to how to move forward in being a Better Human Being than you were 9years ago. Nobody is Perfect Including Thank you @VinceMcMahon 4Taking action!!”

As noted, WWE announced on Tuesday that they had fined Lars $100,000 for the racist, homophobic, anti-religious and misogynistic comments that recently resurfaced on social media again. The pressure came down after at least one WWE sponsor, the Mars candy company, reached out to WWE to see what they were going to do about the situation.

WWE’s announcement on Tuesday also noted that Lars was being put through sensitivity training. Their full statement reads like this: “WWE supports a culture of inclusion regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation, and we are committed to embracing all individuals as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide. Dylan Miley (aka Lars Sullivan) will be fined $100,000 and required to complete sensitivity training for offensive commentary uncovered from his past. WWE will also facilitate meetings for Dylan with community organizations to foster further discussion around the power of social media and the impact of your words.”

Lars also issued a public apology to the media last week. The apology read like this: “There is no excuse for the inappropriate remarks that I made years ago. They do not reflect my personal beliefs nor who I am today, and I apologize to anyone I offended.”

Titus is the third WWE Superstar to publicly tweet about the Lars controversy after Big E and Kalisto previously commented.

Lars did not appear in the ring on this week’s RAW or SmackDown in London, but he did appear for a brief backstage segment with Kayla Braxton on last night’s SmackDown.

You can see the full tweet from Titus below:

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