
WWE Announces Storyline Medical Update on Bobby Lashley and Braun Strowman


As noted, WWE did an angle on this week’s RAW with Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley that saw their Falls Count Anywhere match end with a stage explosion.

WWE noted in a storyline medical update that Strowman may have suffered a ruptured spleen, while Lashley was resting comfortably.

You can see their post-RAW storyline update below:

Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley admitted to local medical facility following Falls Count Anywhere Match on Raw

Following the conclusion of Raw’s opening Falls Count Anywhere Match, both Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley were admitted to a local medical facility as a result of injuries sustained during a crash through the Raw stage’s LED board.

As reported by the Raw broadcast team, Lashley is resting comfortably and is undergoing further evaluation, while Strowman might have suffered a ruptured spleen.

Stay tuned to WWE.com as more information becomes available on Strowman’s condition.

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