
WWE NXT Results 8/17/2021


– The Takeover 36 go-home edition of WWE NXT opens up on the USA Network with a video package on last week’s show. We’re live from the Capitol Wrestling Center at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix and Wade Barrett.

– We go right to the ring and The Diamond Mine is already out – Malcolm Bivens, Hachiman and Roderick Strong. Bivens can’t stand a liar. He accuses NXT Cruiserweight Champion Kushida of faking his injury and not defending against Strong tonight. Bivens says Strong still wants to compete tonight, and what Strong wants, Strong gets. Bivens says it’s open season tonight, kicking off this Open Challenge.

Roderick Strong vs. Ilja Dragunov

The music hits and out comes NXT UK Superstar Ilja Dragunov. Roderick Strong stares him down. Malcolm Bivens and Hachiman watch from ringside now.

The bell rings and they lock up, trading holds. They end up trading big strikes in the middle of the ring. Dragunov unloads with big chops but Strong drops him with a shot to the throat. Strong stomps away on Dragunov. The referee checks on him. Strong with a hold from behind now. Dragunov counters but Strong takes him down by the leg. Dragunov kicks him away but Strong makes a comeback. Dragunov counters some more, drops Strong with a chop and delivers a senton for a quick 1 count.

Dragunov grounds Strong now. They tangle some more on the mat. Dragunov gets out of a head scissors and they stand back up. Strong with more strikes in the corner. Dragunov whips Strong across the ring and he hits the turnbuckles hard. Dragunov with a running knee and a suplex. Dragunov goes to the top but has to roll through on the knees as Strong moves. Strong charges and Dragunov levels him with a leaping knee. Strong with a right hand to the eye to get Dragunov off his back. Strong with forearm shots now. Dragunov drops him with a strike. Dragunov with knee strikes now. Dragunov blocks a move and delivers a knee lift to stun Strong.

Dragunov goes for the Constantine Special but Strong dropkicks him through the ropes to the floor. Strong attacks at ringside but Dragunov drops him with a chop. Hachiman distracts Dragunov at ringside, allowing Strong to send Dragunov face-first into the steel ring steps. Strong keeps control and slams Dragunov into the edge of the apron as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and Strong grounds Dragunov in the middle of the ring. Dragunov fights up and out, taking Strong down and unloading with elbow strikes. Dragunov with a big German suplex. He holds it and hits a second German. Fans get hype for Dragunov but Strong blocks the third German. Strong with big strikes now. Dragunov fights back.

Dragunov is bleeding from his face, and blood is all over Strong’s back. Dragunov ducks a running attack and levels Strong with a big leaping kick to the face. Dragunov with a German suplex for a close 2 count. Dragunov has a full crimson mask now.

Dragunov waits in the corner for the Torpedo Moscow but Strong meets him in mid-air with a big knee to the face. Dragunov comes right back with the Torpedo Moscow for the pin to win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

– After the match, a bloody Dragunov stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Dragunov takes the mic now and starts screaming for NXT UK Champion WALTER to come to the ring and fight. WALTER never appears.

– We see Samoa Joe in the parking lot, walking to the building.

– Still to come, a Prime Target preview for Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly at Takeover 36. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a lengthy Prime Target preview for Kyle O’Reilly vs. Adam Cole at Takeover 36. The 2 of 3 Falls match will start as a standard fall won by pin or submission (chosen by O’Reilly), and the second fall will be a Street Fight (chosen by Cole), and the third fall will be held in a Steel Cage (chosen by NXT General Manager William Regal), if needed.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Hit Row – NXT North American Champion Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, “B-Fab” Briana Brandy, “Top Dolla” AJ Francis, Ashante “Thee” Adonis. We see recent happenings between Legado del Fantasma and Hit Row. B-Fab calls for the music to be cut. She says Santos Escobar put his hands in Swerve’s mouth and pulled his grill out, so we thought they were going to play games? The other members also take quick shots at Escobar.

Swerve says the beef with Legado del Fantasma has officially reached “on-sight” level… Santos interrupts on the big screen. He’s in the parking lot with Swerve’s grill. He says he had fun taking Swerve’s grill but he realizes he may have disrespected Swerve’s culture. Escobar wants to bring the grill to Swerve in the ring right now, but he doesn’t trust the rest of Hit Row. Santos invites Swerve to the parking lot to meet man to man, adding that Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza aren’t out there with him. Swerve exits the ring and heads to the parking lot.

Swerve reproaches Escobar but stops and swings at Wilde and Mendoza as they come from behind. Swerve is beaten down and they go for his mouth again. Top Dolla and Adonis run out to the parking lot and fight but they end up taken out. B-Fab approaches Escobar with a weapon to distract him. Hit Row turns it around and get the upperhand. Dolla and Swerve slam Santos against a door a few times, then take Swerve’s grill back from his pocket. Hit Row leaves Escobar laying as they walk off together.

– We see video from earlier today of Million Dollar Champion LA Knight at the gym with his butler, Cameron Grimes. Knight comments on beating Grimes at Takeover 36 and how good it will be to have WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase as his butler. Knight goes over to Josh Briggs and offers him $10,000 to take Grimes out tonight and hurt him before Takeover 36. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Imperium is backstage. NXT UK Champion WALTER says tonight is not about he and Ilja Dragunov, it’s about Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner. Barthel says they need to prove the world doesn’t need MSK, and how teams like MSK don’t belong in the ring, but the world does need teams like Imperium to lead us into the future. Aichner says they will make an example of MSK tonight. WALTER says Imperium is here to protect and restore the honor of this great sport.

Cameron Grimes vs. Josh Briggs

We go back to the ring and WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase Sr. has joined the announcers for commentary. Out first for the match is Cameron Grimes, introduced as the personal butler of Million Dollar Champion LA Knight. Fans boo as Knight’s music interrupts Grimes’ music. Knight joins the announcers for commentary. Josh Briggs is already waiting in the ring.

The bell rings and Briggs goes to work on Grimes with big power moves, leveling him with a clothesline. Briggs unloads in the corner and stomps on Grimes. DiBiase challenges Knight to double up on the $10,000 bet. Briggs continues to dominate Grimes and delivers a big splash in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count.

Grimes mounts some offense but Briggs catches his top rope crossbody. Grimes counters and fights back,s till wearing his butler gear. Grimes charges and takes Briggs down. Grimes keeps going and drops Briggs again. Briggs grabs him by the throat but Grimes counters. They trade counters until Grimes hits the big crossbody in mid-air for a pop. Grimes follows up with the Cave-In for the pin to win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes

– After the match, Grimes stands tall as his music hits. DiBiase taunts Knight over their bet. Knight assaults Ted in his chair and Grimes runs out to make the save but Knight drops him with his BFT finisher. Knight talks trash to Grimes while he’s laid out on the floor as fans boo.

– Indi Hartwell is backstage talking to Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae about her date with Dexter Lumis but Gargano is grossed out. Indi says they’re thinking about getting matching tattoos but Candice protests. Indi mentions how she’s thinking about taking the relationship to the next level. Lumis is there and Gargano asks him how long he’s been standing in the room, calling him a creep. Gargano asks Lumis how the cake to the face was last week. Indi says he liked it just fine and even had room for “pie.” LeRae and Gargano are disgusted. Indi and Dexter walk off to end the segment. Back to commercial.

– Back from the beak and McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Io Shirai and Zoey Stark. McKenzie brings up how we’ve seen their recent efforts to create a bond and get along. Zoey talks about their differences and says the friendship won’t happen overnight, just like Rome wasn’t built in a day. Io interrupts and says it’s not about them, it’s about defending the titles. Io walks off. Zoey says they have some work to do.

Jessi Kamea and Robert Stone vs. Dexter Lumis and Indi Hartwell

We go back to the ring and Franky Monet is waiting with the team of Robert Stone and Jessi Kamea for this mixed tag team match. The tension between Monet and Stone continues. This is Stone’s second match with the company. Out next comes InDex – Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis. Indi does her best impersonation of Lumis as they head to the ring, staring ahead and even slithering in the ring. Lumis looks a bit surprised, more wide-eyed than usual.

Barrett knocks Phoenix for encouraging Indi and Dexter. Fans chant “Happy Birthday!” at Indi. Stone starts off with Lumis, doing some comedy and trying to get hyped up. Stone told Barrett he’s dressed as a tribute to the toughest man in Hollywood, Steven Seagal. Fans chant “you look stupid!” at Stone. Stone makes a pitiful attempt at offense, diving to the mat and grabbing Lumis’ leg as he just sands there. Stone crawls away from Lumis, retreating to the floor, but Monet grabs him and sends him right back in.

Lumis ends up stomping away on Stone in the corner while Indi does the same to Kamea across the ring. Stone and Kamea bring their opponents into the middle of the ring for a collision to turn it around, hitting them from behind. Kamea sends Indi to the floor while Stone beats on Lumis but it does nothing. Lumis pushes Stone down. Monet ends up grabbing Lumis’ leg but he pulls her into the ring as she holds on tight. The referee ejects Monet to the back for interfering. Monet rants at ringside and says she was just trying to help them. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Kamea has Indi grounded as fans chant for Dexter. Kamea slams Indi to the mat but then misses a big elbow. Fans rally for Indi now. Stone is tagged in now. Lumis also tags in and unloads on Stone with big right hands. Lumis with a corner clothesline and a Bulldog out of the corner. Stone pleads from his knees now as Lumis stalks him and fans chant “Dexter’s gonna kill you!” at him. Lumis offers to help Stone up but he hits a big Spinebuster instead. Kamea breaks the pin up just in time.

Indi tags in and levels Kamea with a clothesline. Indi then knocks Stone back to the floor. Indi catches Kamea with a big slam but Stone breaks the pin up. Lumis comes in and seethes at Stone. Kamea gets n the way and slams Indi as Stone and Lumis go back to the apron. Kamea with a single-leg Crab on Indi now as Indi locks eyes with Lumis. Indi crawls and gets the bottom rope to break the hold.

A furious Kamea kicks Lumis off the apron and fans boo her. Stone comes over and tries to launch himself to the floor but he lands hard, feet away from Lumis, nowhere near him. Kamea rocks Lumis with a forearm and he stares her down. Indi stands up for Lumis and attacks Kamea. Indi brings it back in the ring and slams Kamea, right into The Silence submission. Lumis applies The Silence to Stone at ringside as Indi has it locked in on Kamea in the ring. Kamea taps out for the finish.

Winners: Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis

– After the match, the music hits as Indi crawls towards the ropes. Lumis slithers in the ring and they stare at each other. Indi backs away and goes to the announce table to get something from Phoenix. Indi goes back in the ring and drops to one knee, then proposes to Lumis. Fans chant “yes!” now. Lumis nods his head yes, and Indi places the engagement ring on his finger. Indi kisses Lumis and they start celebrating as Beth screams about having a wedding to plan. Lumis and Indi hug in the middle of the ring, then raise their arms as fans cheer them on.

– We see video from moments ago, showing NXT Champion Karrion Kross arriving to the building.

– Still to come, Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez will sit down for an interview. Back to commercial.

– Back from the beak and McKenzie stops Roderick Strong and asks about tonight’s loss to Ilja Dragunov. Malcolm Bivens cuts McKenzie off and says she’s not to speak to Strong, she’s to address any questions to Bivens. Bivens says as far as he’s concerned this match never happened because Dragunov is a heavyweight, not a cruiserweight. Bivens reminds us Strong still has a title shot from NXT Cruiserweight Champion Kushida. He says McKenzie has his number and better not approach Strong next time. The Diamond Mine walks off.

– The announcers are joined remotely by Dakota Kai and NXT Women’s Champion Raquel Gonzalez to discuss their Takeover 36 match. Gonzalez knew when she got involved Kai that she might turn on her because she did the same to Tegan Nox. Gonzalez says Kai finally got her title shot but what took so long? Gonzalez goes on about how she’s been dominating and is a Superstar. Gonzalez says Kai may be the only one left but she won’t be the one to take the title. Kai knocks Gonzalez for being delusional and thinking she’s untouchable. Kai says she taught Gonzalez everything Gonzalez knows, but she didn’t teach her everything Kai knows.

Kai says Gonzalez wanted so bad to be somebody and Kai is the one who made her somebody, and at Takeover she will bet he somebody Kai beats to become champion. Gonzalez laughs and asks if she’s going to find another Raquel Gonzalez to help her win, and says good luck because there is no one else like her. Gonzalez says Kai uses people and gets jealous when they become bigger than her. She says Kai doesn’t have a real bone in her body. She says she’s solved so many of Kai’s problems but Kai is on her own now. Kai says Gonzalez call her whatever she wants, a jealous bitch or what, but she will call her champion in 5 days. Gonzalez is looking forward to it and says she will see Kai at Takeover.

NXT Breakout Tournament Semi-finals: Carmelo Hayes vs. Duke Hudson

We go back to the ring and out comes Carmelo Hayes for the second and last semi-finals match in the 2021 NXT Breakout Tournament. We see how he defeated Josh Briggs in the opening round. Out next comes Duke Hudson as Alicia Taylor does the introductions. We see how Hudson defeated Ikemen Jiro to advance from the first round. The winner of this match will meet Odyssey Jones in the finals.

The bell rings and they lock up with Hudson taking it to the corner as the referee warns him. Hayes escapes. Hudson keeps control and laughs at Hayes to taunt him. Hudson levels Hayes with a big shoulder as he charges. Hudson is all smiles as he taunts Hayes some more. Hudson drops Hayes again and controls him with a headlock on their feet. Hayes tries to fight out but Hudson slams him to the mat by his head.

Hudson with another headlock on their feet, using his size and strength to keep control. Fans rally for Hayes as he looks to turn it around now. Hayes lands on his feet from a counter and applies a headlock of his own. Hudson levels him with another shoulder. Hayes uses his speed and takes Hudson down with a springboard attack for a 2 count. Hudson overpowers off a counter, then launches Hayes out of the ring with ease. Hayes lands hard at ringside in front of the announce table as fans boo Hudson. We go to commercial with Hayes down on the floor.

Back from the break and they’re going at it in the ring. Hayes stuns Duke and nails an enziguri to send him into the corner. Hudson blocks an Irish whip and scoops Hayes on his shoulder, then kicks him in the face. Hudson with a big corner clothesline and a big overhead suplex. Fans chant “you still suck!” at Hudson.

Hayes dodges a shot and sends Hudson through the ropes to the floor. Hudson runs back to the apron but Hayes knocks him back to the floor with a scissors kick as fans pop. The referee counts and Hudson makes it back to the apron at the 5 count. Hayes holds his arm and unloads with kicks. Hayes leaps over the top rope to the floor, slamming Hudson’s face into the apron with a big DDT on the way down.

Hudson with lefts and rights in the ring now. Hudson looks to capitalize but Hayes counters and plants Hudson face-first for a close 2 count. Hayes goes to the top rope but Hudson runs over and grabs him to throw him to the mat. Hayes turns that into a roll-up for 2. Hayes with a big bicycle kick to the face and a Lungblower. Hayes goes back to the top and nails the flying leg drop to the back of the neck for the pin to win.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes

– After the match, Hayes celebrates as the music hits and we go to replays. Samantha Irvin interviews Hayes on the stage now, asking how he plans to deal with Odyssey Jones in the finals. Hayes talks about how he got this far by beating guys bigger than him. Hayes says just like in video games, you have to face the final boss in the end, but plot twist for Jones – Hayes is the final boss. The music interrupts and out comes Jones to the stage. Jones laughs at the idea of Hayes being a final boss. Jones says after he wins the finals next week, the whole NXT Universe is going to sound the alarm. Jones’ music starts back up as they face off and have words.

– We get a new vignette for Jacy Jayne, apparently to go along with the recent vignette from Gigi Dolin. She tells the rest to step aside or become roadkill because she and Dolin are not going to be silenced. She says they have been caged for far too long, but they are about to break free and when they do, we will feel it in our souls.

– We see MSK backstage warming up for their title defense. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Cameron Grimes is recovering in the trainer’s room. Ted DiBiase Sr. walks up and apologizes for putting Grimes in this position, saying maybe they bit off more than they can chew. Grimes gets hyped up and says Ted gave him the chance to become the Million Dollar Champion but sadly he dropped the ball. Grimes goes on and gets really fired up, saying he will become that Million Dollar Champion at Takeover 36, and he and DiBiase will go straight to the moon as the Million Dollar Champions. Ted does his signature laugh and says that’s his Grimes.

– Still to come, Joe and Kross will face off.

NXT Tag Team Titles Match: Imperium vs. MSK

We go back to the ring and out first come NXT Tag Team Champions MSK – Wes Lee and Nash Carter. Out next comes Imperium – Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner. We get formal ring introductions from Taylor.

Fans chant for MSK as we get the bell. Lee and Aichner go at it to start. Lee is impressed by Aichner’s strength. Lee hops around the ring and flips to avoid Aichner. They go back and forth until Carter comes in for the double team. Carter with a Bronco Buster for a 2 count. Barthel tags in and levels Carter, then grounds him. Barthel works on Carter’s arm now as fans rally. Carter flips around and turns it around. They run the ropes until Barthel levels Carter with an uppercut to the jaw.

Barthel with a stiff kick to the back. Barthel runs into a boot in the corner. Carter fights out of the corner and leaps off the second rope but Barthel rocks him in mid-air, then delivers a double underhook and a clothesline. Aichner tags back in as they keep control of Carter. Carter escapes and tags in Lee. MSK double teams Aichner with several moves. Barthel runs in but they back-drop him over the top rope to the floor next to Aichner. MSK runs the ropes for suicide dives to their opponents on the floor. Barthel and Aichner catch Carter and Lee in mid-air on the dives, then slam them on the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Aichner drops Lee on his neck for a close 2 count. Barthel tags in and controls Lee now. Lee fights out of a hold and fights off with right hands. Barthel takes them and ducks an enziguri. Barthel with an ankle lock now. Lee counters and Barthel gets sent into the corner, knocking Carter off the apron. Barthel goes back to the ankle lock on Lee. Aichner tags back in for the double team, then he launches Lee into the turnbuckles and he lands hard.

Barthel tags back in and they hit a big double team combo on Lee in the corner. Barthel covers for a close 2 count. Imperium keeps Lee down in their corner and talks trash to him. Lee fights both opponents off and sends them to the floor. He crawls for a tag but can’t get it.

NXT UK Champion WALTER comes walking down the ramp now. Carter tags in and unloads on Aichner with strikes as fans cheer him on after chanting WALTER’s name. Carter with a punt kick to Aichner. Lee tags in and they hit the big double team to Aichner but Barthel breaks it up. WALTER distracts the referee from the apron, allowing Imperium to hit Carter and take him out. They go for the European Bomb on Lee but they’re distracted as Ilja Dragunov runs down and attacks WALTER at ringside. This leads to MSK taking Imperium out in the corner, shutting down the European Bomb attempt. MSK hits a double team from the corner for the pin to retain their titles.

Winners: MSK

– After the bell, WALTER seethes at ringside as MSK begins to celebrate. WALTER attacks Dragunov while he’s down at ringside. Lee attacks WALTER but he takes Lee out with ease. WALTER then destroys Carter with a big powerbomb into the apron. Dragunov attacks WALTER at ringside. WALTER crawls in the ring. Dragunov follows as Imperium attacks but he drops Barthel. WALTER chops Dragunov to the mat. Dragunov is beat down by Imperium now. Imperium stands tall over Dragunov as their music hits. WALTER stops and grabs Dragunov, man-handling him with a Sleeper hold. WALTER drops Dragunov back to the mat as we go to replays. Imperium stands tall over Dragunov again, doing their signature pose.

– Still to come, Samoa Joe and Karrion Kross are here. We see them walking backstage as we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a backstage vignette from Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland. Dunne says they warned Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa, and let what happened to Ilja Dragunov last week be a reason why they shouldn’t come after he and Holland. Holland addresses Ciampa and Thatcher and says he doesn’t care how long they’ve been doing this, he doesn’t give a damn how much they have to sacrifice but he does respect they have the balls big enough to challenge him. Dunne looks over at Holland, rolls his eyes a bit, and says maybe they’re just stupid enough to challenge him. Holland goes on and Dunne says Holland has been waiting for 10 months and now it’s time to make a name for himself. Holland says he’s going to make that name next week as he takes care of Thatcher.

– The announcers go over the Takeover 36 card for Sunday.

– We go back to the ring for tonight’s show-closing segment as Samoa Joe makes his way out to a pop. Joe takes the mic and calls out NXT Champion Karrion Kross, commenting on the venom that seeps from his lips when he talks to Kross. Joe says he thought he’d look more forward to tonight than he really does, one last face-to-face meeting before their big match, one last chance to verbally eviscerate Kross before the world, but he realized it’s pointless because he’s not a man here to hurt Kross’ feelings, he’s simply a man who’s here to hurt Kross. Fans chant “Joe’s gonna kill you!” now. Joe tells Kross to tuck his clock in his back pocket and stroll his ass down to the ring, young champ.

The music hits and out comes Kross by himself. A few fans chant for Jeff Hardy but it doesn’t last. Kross speaks from the stage and says Joe still doesn’t get it, it’s not about Joe, or even Kross, it’s about the future of this brand. Kross says Joe thinks he’s just going to walk into Takeover and win the title after taking a year off but Kross doesn’t think so. Kross says he’s going to now call NXT security to the ring. Fans boo. Kross says it’s protection for Joe, not Kross. Security guards stand at ringside now, in between Kross and the ring. Kross asks Joe if he really thinks he has a shot at Takeover.

Kross tells the fans no, Joe is not going to kill him. Kross slowly enters the ring now and says he’s going to drop Joe at Takeover, and drop him real fast. Joe attacks Kross. Security guards hit the apron but Joe knocks them and Kross to the floor. Joe runs the ropes and nails a big suicide dive to Kross and the guards. Fans pop as Joe beats Kross around the ringside area now. Kross grabs Joe and slams him face-first into the steel ring steps. Officials are trying to get Kross to stop. Kross brings Joe over to the announce table and tries to slam him through it but Joe fights back. Joe sends Kross face-first into the Plexiglas barrier, breaking it, then sends Kross over the barrier. Joe follows and keeps the fight going as officials, Superstars and security try to break it up. They go crashing back trough the barrier to the ringside area. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Kross and Joe are down at ringside with a few security guards. Officials check on them as Vic hypes Takeover 36 and the go-home show goes off the air.

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