
Diamond Dallas Page Says He Will Not Open His Gym In Georgia When Governor Kemp Reopens State


WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page spoke with TMZ regarding Georgia Governor Brian Kemp reopening businesses this Friday after a 30-day lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic. Page reveals that he will not be opening up his personal gym, explaining that he’s decided to air on the side of caution rather than rush back into things.

I think Governor Kemp is a good man. I’ve met him personally and I voted for him. I think he’s trying to get people back to work, but me personally…I’ve got one of those gyms where I train people. Personally I’m airing on the side of caution. I’m not going to do it. But if it works for other people then let them do it. For me personally it won’t work, but for other people…I know the Governor is under a lot of pressure to get the people out and get them working.

Later the master of the Diamond Cutter would be asked if he’s still going to advise family and friends to remain quarantined to combat the virus.

Yes. And again…this is how I live my life. I air on the side of caution. Right now I don’t know enough about this. I think that no matter what…we’ll know if this works or not in the next 30 days.

Page also speaks on whether the state may have to go on a second lockdown if the virus comes back in a second wave.

If that happens…then that’s going to be devastating. Hopefully they’re going to find some sort of vaccination for this, which is probably going to take a year.

Check out his full comments below.

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